Kristin Cavallari Drinks This ‘Master Antioxidant’ Every Morning



Staying healthy is always something on our minds — but sometimes, it stays put on our minds. We don’t actually order those supplements, do that exercise routine or choose that nutritious meal, but we at least thought about it, so that counts for something, right?

Well, not really. In the end, you have to put in some of the work in the real world too. Don’t even think of it as “work,” though. Sometimes it’s as simple as drinking a glass of juice in the morning with a little extra something in it. That little extra something? Only an essential for Kristin Cavallari herself!

Kristin Cavallari / Instagram

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Get the LivOn Laboratories Lypo-Spheric Glutathione (30-pack) at Amazon!

Back in March, Cavallari, her family and her best friends had an unpredictable few weeks. They left for a relaxing vacation in the Bahamas, but soon found themselves unable to leave. In April, however, they finally made it back home. Cavallari updated her fans on Instagram, writing, “We had a short window to get out of the Bahamas so we jumped all over it.” In her video, though, we noticed something we needed to look deeper into: LivOn Laboratories supplements!

Cavallari had the Vitamin C supplements (beloved by Kourtney Kardashian), as well as the ultra-impressive Glutathione. Glutathione is known as “the master antioxidant” because of its countless potential benefits, but the body tends to lose it over time due to aging, stress and free radical damage. Taking this supplement may help slow these deficiencies, leaving you with bright, youthful skin, a healthy liver, a stronger immune system, optimal cellular health and more!

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Get the LivOn Laboratories Lypo-Spheric Glutathione (30-pack) at Amazon!

Shoppers who have tried this supplement are stunned by the results, saying this is the best they’ve felt in a long time, with more energy and less pain. Even those with conditions including MS, CFS and hypothyroidism have left glowing reviews about how taking this has improved their daily lives!

To take this supplement, just pour a packet into a glass of water or juice once or twice a day and drink up. It’s designed to deliver nutrients through nano-spheres, claiming to satisfy the body’s need for Phospholipids, the material that makes up your cells, and therefore leaving you feeling better in every way. Sounds like a plan to Us!

See it!

Get the LivOn Laboratories Lypo-Spheric Glutathione (30-pack) at Amazon!

Looking for something else? Check out more from LivOn Laboratories here and other vitamins available at Amazon here! Shop all of Amazon’s current Daily Deals here!

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