Kristin Cavallari Began Looking for a New Home 5 Months Before Split



Kristin Cavallari was looking for a new home for herself and her three kids five months before her split from husband Jay Cutler.

In new court papers obtained by Us Weekly, “things were so bad in the marriage” in November that the Very Cavallari star, 33, signed a contract for a new property, which Cutler, 36, “never objected” to, but decided not to buy it as the couple “attempted to salvage the marriage.” However, they soon “realized the attempt to reconcile was not working and knew a divorce was inevitable.”

According to Cavallari’s legal response to Cutler’s emergency motion (which was sealed), they started discussing a split in early March and hoped to reach an agreement on division of assets and child custody before filing for divorce.

Kristin Cavallari Began Looking for a Home in November Five Months Before Jay Cutler Split
Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler Mark Humphrey/AP/Shutterstock

She then resumed looking for a home and decided to buy the house she’d wanted to purchase in the fall and said she assumed the former quarterback would be OK with it because of his “lack of objection in November.” Cavallari signed a contract to buy the Franklin, Tennessee, home, which is listed for $5.5 million, on Monday, April 27, the day after the couple announced their split after 10 years together.

But the E! star, who asked for primary custody of their children in her divorce filing, claims that on Tuesday, April 28, Cutler tried “to intimidate” her into accepting his parenting plan for their kids — Camden, 7, Jaxon, 5, and Saylor, 4 — and informed her that he would not sign off on her buying the home unless she agreed to his plan.

She subsequently received an email telling her that his attorney had advised his business manager not to release the money for her to buy the house. Cavallari claims that her estranged husband did this as a way of “punishing” her, which “is typical” of his behavior towards her.

In the papers, she states that she and her husband have been living separately since April 7, the day they returned to the U.S. from the Bahamas, and have been spending three days each with their children at their Nashville, Tennessee, home. She claims that her husband told her that he is moving back into the house and has no plan to leave and she therefore “fears that if the parties are required to remain in the same residence, it would be an unhealthy environment, causing irreparable harm to their minor children.”

Cavallari asserts that Cutler makes “inappropriate statements” to her and about her to the kids and “attempts to draw her into an argument” in front of them and she “fears the situation will escalate.”

The Laguna Beach alum is asking the court to allow her to use her portion of their joint funds to buy the new home and award her fees and expenses in filing her motion.

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