Kendall Long Says She Wanted a ‘Future’ With Ex Joe Amabile



Lovesick? The Bachelor alum Kendall Long clapped back on social media after one user claimed she must not have been into her ex-boyfriend, Joe Amabile, or they’d still be together.

In early April, the California native, 28, shared a sunshine selfie via Instagram where a few followers decided to weigh in on her love life in the comments. The first user asked if the Bachelor in Paradise alum thought she would get back together with Amabile, 34, whom she split from on January 29.

The comment resulted in a second user writing, “I just don’t think she was that into him,” to which Long fired back, “Let’s not assume my feelings.”

Bachelor Alum Kendall Long Reveals She Wanted Marriage and a Future With Ex-Boyfriend Joe Amabile
Kendall Long and Joe Amabile attend the 31st Barnstable Brown Kentucky Derby Eve Gala in Louisville on May 3, 2019. AFF-USA/Shutterstock

Long added: “I loved him enough to see a marriage and a future. A lot is private.”

The “Down to Date” podcast host and former Bachelorette contestant — who was on Becca Kufrin’s season of the dating show — met on Bachelor in Paradise in 2018 and although they didn’t end up together in the finale, they reconnected shortly after the season ended and were together for more than a year. Their friendship, however, isn’t completely over at this point.

On Sunday, April 12, Long gave her ex a shout-out on her Instagram Story in honor of his birthday. “Happy Birthday Butthead,” she wrote on a clip of Amabile from a past trip the two had taken last year.

The pair’s closeness didn’t fizzle out when they went their separate ways. In March, Long told Us Weekly exclusively that “things are still amicable.”

“Joe and I probably talk like once or twice a week if that,” she explained at the time. “I think we’ve really made it a point to take the higher road with each other.”

After Amabile left Los Angeles, where he was living with Long and working, for his native Chicago, the former reality star revealed that she’s open to finding love again — just maybe not right away.

“Of course I want to get out there again,” Long told Us in March. “I feel like if love comes my way, I won’t push it away. But I’m also not desperate for it.”

Following their breakup, Long told her podcast listeners in February that she “did not see it coming.”

“Every relationship has issues, but I feel like with Joe and I we were best friends,” she explained at the time. “Everything was fun, we were getting a dog together. We had just moved in.”

The two announced their split in a joint statement in January and noted that the former Dancing With the Stars contestant was going back to the Windy City.

“Our family and friends have always been an extremely important element to who we are as people. We can’t imagine continuing our lives without them closer, especially when thinking of starting a family of our own one day,” the statement read. “We both respect each others’ decision and still have a great deal of love for each other. We appreciate all the love and support everyone has given us throughout our relationship.”

Listen on Spotify to Here For the Right Reasons to get inside scoop about the Bachelor franchise and exclusive interviews from contestants.


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