Kara Keough Shares Tribute to Her Baby Boy: ‘You Would Have Been 1 Month Old’



Thinking of McCoy. Kara Keough penned a heart-wrenching tribute to her late son on Wednesday, May 6, one month after he died during delivery.

“You would have been 1 month old today. Your baby acne would be gearing up. You would be getting the hang of pacifiers, sorting out your days and nights, and figuring out how to focus your eyes without them involuntarily crossing,” Real Housewives of Orange County alum Jeana Keough’s daughter wrote via Instagram. “I would have already bought a complete boy’s wardrobe since Decker’s old clothes weren’t really as unisex as I thought. Your dad would be insisting that babies don’t need shoes, but he’d change his mind when he saw the little kicks paired with your chubby cankles.”

Kara Keough Shares Heartbreaking Tribute Baby Boy After Death
McCoy Bosworth, Kara Keough and Kyle Bosworth. Courtesy Kara Keough/Instagram (2)

Kara and husband Kyle Bosworth announced on April 14 that they lost their little boy a week prior. They are also parents of 4-year-old daughter Decker.

“You’d be taking your first naps in the crib, and I’d be fussing about ‘the schedule,’” Kara continued. “I’d be realizing that you, just like your sister, prefer Lefty and I’d be pumping Righty to try to bring ‘er up to speed. Decker would want to be holding you all the time, but you’d prefer to be spending your day wrapped around my chest. At least that much is still how it is, my sweet Mack. Decker still wishes she could hold you more.”

She concluded: “And I still wear you on my heart all day. We miss you like crazy, baby.”

The couple recently told Us Weekly that they joined a support group to cope.

“We are doing our best to make McCoy’s legacy a positive one, despite the nightmare we’re living,” she explained. “We’re lucky to be surrounded by so much love and support. My brother Shane is living here as the mandatory stay-at-home orders started while he was on a planned trip to see us. He’s been a huge help and him being here has allowed us take each day as it comes. Kyle’s mom has a place a mile away, and my mom is trying to find a safe time to come from California.”

Kara Keough Shares Heartbreaking Tribute Baby Boy After Death
McCoy Bosworth and Kyle Bosworth. Courtesy Kara Keough/Instagram

Less than a month after Kara’s heartbreaking loss, her father, Matt Keough, died at the age of 64.

“Daddy, please take care of my son,” Kara wrote on May 2. “Teach him the circle changeup and how to find forever friends. You’re on grandpa duty in heaven now. Xoxo, Hammerhead.”


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