John Krasinski Hosts Virtual Quarantine Prom With Billie Eilish, Rainn Wilson



A prom to remember! John Krasinski decided to spread some cheer amid the coronavirus pandemic by throwing a virtual prom with cameos from celebrities, such as Billie Eilish, Chance the Rapper and Rainn Wilson.

The Office star, 40, live-streamed the event on his Some Good News YouTube channel on Friday, April 17, for high school students who will miss attending their prom due to the quarantine.

John Krasinski Hosts Virtual Quarantine Prom With Billie Eilish, Rainn Wilson
John Krasinski, Billie Eilish and Rainn Wilson Shutterstock (2);Instarimages

Krasinski’s Office costar Wilson, 54, appeared on the show along with Chance, 27. The trio bonded while the rapper’s song “All We Got” played in the background. Chance proclaimed, “I love you, Rainn Wilson,” to which the actor replied, “I love you, Chance.”

Krasinski added, “Guys, this is a beautiful moment,” before they all continued dancing together.

Later in the broadcast, Eilish, 18, joined with her brother, Finneas O’Connell, to perform her hit single “Bad Guy.”

“Billie, you just hit your all-time career low, being on this show,” Krasinski quipped when the Grammy winner joined the call.

The Jonas Brothers also joined the stream to deliver a remote performance of their song “Sucker.”

Krasinski ended the broadcast with a special message to the class of 2020. “You guys are missing a whole lot of things, and we couldn’t let prom be one of them… Chin up, this is all gonna be over soon. This weird level of joy is contagious; pick it up and do something with it,” he said before inviting everyone to join DJ D-Nice‘s virtual party on Instagram.

The A Quiet Place star first shared his idea to have a virtual prom on Wednesday, April 15, when he posted a throwback photo of himself at his own prom via Instagram.

“First of all … you’re welcome. Second of all I can’t take it anymore how much you are all missing your prom,” Krasinski captioned the post. “So let’s do something about it! Let’s have an #SGNprom! … Tag your plus 1s and dress up to the prom 9s.”

One day later, Krasinski made the official prom announcement writing via Instagram, “For all of you missing prom, I’m hosting this Friday night.”

Krasinski has used his new YouTube series, which debuted in March, to deliver lighthearted content amid the pandemic. His previous guests have included the cast of Hamilton, his former Office costar Steve Carrell and Krasinki’s wife, Emily Blunt, whom he shares daughters Hazel, 6, and Violet, 3.

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