Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner Disagree About Who Fell in Love First on TikTok



Joe Jonas Sophie Turner Reveal Who Fell in Love First TikTok Couples Challenge
Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner at the film premiere for ‘Chasing Happiness’ on June 3, 2019 in Los Angeles, California. Todd Williamson/JanuaryImages/Shutterstock

Love is in the air! Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner gave fans some rare insight into their relationship while participating in the viral couples challenge on TikTok.

The first question proved to be a tough one for the couple as they disagreed on who fell in love first and each pointed to themselves. However, they were on the same page going forward, agreeing that the Game of Thrones alum, 24, is more annoying when hungry, more spoiled, more grumpy and the homebody in the relationship.



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The Jonas Brothers member, 30, and Turner have been recording plenty of TikTok videos while quarantined at home during the coronavirus pandemic.

“I’m kind of loving it. I’m an introvert. I’m a homebody,” she said on Conan on March 31. “If I could stay at home all day I would, so this is great for me. I leave the house, like, once a day anyway to walk my dogs, and then that’s it.”

The actress joked that self-isolating was “working out in [her] favor” because it allows her to spend more quality time with her husband.

Joe Jonas Sophie Turner Reveal Who Fell in Love First TikTok Couples Challenge
Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas. Courtesy Joe Jonas/TikTok

“Joe’s a real social butterfly, so I struggle to lock him down and have him just spend time with me,” she said on the TBS late-night talk show. “It’s like prison for him, but it’s great for me.”

Turner went on to tell Conan O’Brien that she does not “understand how people are really struggling to practice social distancing [because] all you have to do is stay at home and get drunk.” She added, “I pour [Joe] his drinks. I pour him his alcohol. I give him tequila shots. He’ll text me and be like, ‘What time is it?’ I’ll reply from the kitchen, ‘Shot time!’ and bring him a shot of tequila.”

The “What a Man Gotta Do” singer and the Emmy nominee started dating in late 2016 and got engaged in October 2017. They surprised fans in May 2019 when they got hitched in Las Vegas after attending the Billboard Music Awards. The next month, the pair held a formal wedding ceremony in France with their family and friends in attendance.

Us Weekly confirmed in February that Turner is pregnant with her and Jonas’ first child. A source later revealed that the X-Men star is “due in the middle of summer.”

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