Jinger Duggar: Mom-Shamed Over Anti-Coronavirus Masks!



Jinger Duggar has been in the news a lot these past few weeks.

It seems that in the absence of any actual celebrity news, Duggar fans have decided to comb through her every social media post in search of something to get worked up about.

The insanity started with the rumor that Jinger’s eyes reveal that she’s pregnant.

From that point, Duggar obsessives dug even deeper and determined that Jinger is unhappy in her marriage to Jeremy Vuolo.

This, too, seemed to be based on little other than her facial expressions in her recent pics.

You might think that Jinger would’ve successfully side-stepped the problem by hiding her face in her most recent post.

But once again, her harshest found ample meltdown material in this seemingly innocuous photo.

As you can see, Jinger and Jeremy are sporting non-medical-grade cloth masks in accordance with current CDC recommendations for limiting the spread of coronavirus.

Their 1-year-old daughter Felicity is not wearing mask, and Jinger offered up a humorous explanation for why that is.

“Week 4 of ‘Safer at Home,'” Jinger captioned the pic.

“Lissy wasn’t a huge fan but her doll wasn’t taking any chances. Go @Dodgers,” she added.

The legitimacy of Jinger’s sports LA sports fandom has been called into question in the past, but thankfully, no one accused her of being a Dodgers bandwagon-jumper here.

They did, however, take issue with Jinger’s quarantine safety protocols.

Or rather, they griped about mistakes they imagined she might make when she’s not in front of a camera.

“Just a friendly reminder, I learned yesterday masks were not recommended for 2 and under!” one follower wrote.

“Their little bodies can’t process the air that gets stuck in the masks!”

“No child under two years old should be wearing a mask. Just a heads up,” another commenter added.

“As weird as it is I’ve heard babies under 2 aren’t supposed to wear them,” a third fan chimed in.

We know there’s a lot of conflicting information out there, and we’re sure these folks were just hoping to prevent Jinger from engaging in unsafe parenting.

But thankfully, other commenters were quick to point out that Felicity is very much not wearing a mask in the photo.

“Everyone ‘reminding’ them about children under two not wearing masks…question, are all of you sight impaired? Their child is NOT wearing a mask,” wrote one.

We know mom-shaming the Duggars is a favorite pastime for some, and people need their hobbies more than ever these days, but maybe everyone should stick to pointing out actual errors, instead of imagined ones, mmm-kay?


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