Jessica Biel’s Skin Essentially Stopped Aging Thanks to This $48 Organic Serum



Why does it feel like every time we look in the mirror, a new wrinkle is beginning to form? And then there’s a dark spot on one cheek, a pimple on the other, and oh my gosh, why are our pores suddenly the size of craters? We know we shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves and are our own worst critics, but we still want to feel confident — and we know we can with the right products.

Obviously we’re not going to leave you hanging when it comes to which products! The best skincare inspiration always comes from celebrities, so we looked to one who seemingly hasn’t aged at all in the last decade to see what her favorite was. That’s how we discovered this time-stopping serum!

Eminence Organic Eight Greens Youth Serum

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Get the Eminence Organic Eight Greens Youth Serum:

We are talking about Jessica Biel, of course — star of The Sinner and Limetown, and more importantly, our skincare icon. It’s actually crazy how youthful her skin looks, especially when she’s always working long days and traveling non-stop. Her secret? In her own words: “Constant flying dries out my skin, so I make sure I moisturize everything. I always have Eminence Eight Greens Youth Serum in my carryon.”

Other skincare lovers are also singing the praises of this serum, calling it a “miracle worker.” It’s not only a holy grail anti-aging product, but multiple reviewers are also calling it a “game-changer” for their hormonal acne and rosacea. One even said they’ve used it to successfully soothe razor burn! They say their skin “totally loves this serum,” and we can see why!

Eminence Organic Eight Greens Youth Serum

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Get the Eminence Organic Eight Greens Youth Serum:

This serum is rich in antioxidants and vitamins and has a star-studded list of ingredients. For example, its Biocomplex formula features Coenzyme Q10 and alpha lipoic acid to hydrate, fortify and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. There’s also rejuvenating paprika and calming, replenishing lavender oil!

To use this serum, always start off with clean and dry skin, washing your face and following up with toner. Then, take the dropper from this serum’s bottle and apply a thin layer of product all over the face, or specifically to affected areas if you wish to use it as a spot treatment. Do this one to three times a day, depending on what your skin craves. The effect? As one reviewer said, “bouncy and radiant” skin that you never even knew you could have!

This earthy serum is natural and organic, free of parabens, sulfates, phthalates and gluten. It’s also cruelty-free! There’s no way to lose here, so who’s ready to start winning the skincare game?

See it!

Get the Eminence Organic Eight Greens Youth Serum:

Looking for something else? Check out more from Eminence Organic here and other treatments and serums available at Dermstore here!


Check out more of our picks and deals here!

This post is brought to you by Us Weekly’s Shop With Us team. The Shop With Us team aims to highlight products and services our readers might find interesting and useful. Product and service selection, however, is in no way intended to constitute an endorsement by either Us Weekly or of any celebrity mentioned in the post.

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