Jamie Lynn Spears Jokes About ‘No Candle’ Rule After Britney’s Gym Fire



No candles in the Spears’ household! Following Britney Spears‘ reveal that she accidentally burned down her home gym, her sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, joked she enlisted a new “no candle” rule in her household.

“That happened so long ago, I think it might be fixed now,” the actress, 29, told Entertainment Tonight in a new interview. “We don’t light candles in our house, because I’m not good with candles. So literally, we just decided like, no candles. So I think that we can prevent any future fires.”

On April 29, the Grammy winner, 38, detailed an accidental fire in a video via Instagram. “It was an accident …. but yes …. I burnt it down,” she wrote at the time. “I walked past the door to the gym and flames. BOOM!!!!!! By the Grace of God the alarm went off after that and yippy hoorah nobody got hurt. Unfortunately, now I have only two pieces of equipment left lol and a one-sided mirror gym!!!!! But it could be much worse so I’m grateful. Pssss I like working out better outside anyway!!!!”

During the interview, the Zoey 101 alum also confirmed that Britney left her Los Angeles home recently and traveled to Louisiana to spend time with her sister and her nieces, Maddie, 11, and Ivey, 2, amid the quarantine.

Jamie Lynn Spears Jokes She Has a No Candle Rule After Britney Spears Gym Accident Talks Quarantining Together
Jamie Lynn Spears and Britney Spears Debby Wong/Shutterstock; Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/Shutterstock

“Britney was like, ‘I want to come home, I don’t want to be by myself out here,’ because all of her family’s pretty much here. So she was able to come home for almost two weeks or so,” the Sweet Magnolias actress said. “She was here for my birthday and for Ivey’s birthday. But then, of course, she has her children and all that stuff and her home, so she went back to Los Angeles just a couple weeks ago. I think she went back with the intentions of like, this was only going to be another week or so, and then they added on more time [to the stay-at-home orders].”

Jamie Lynn noted that they’re all just trying to “abide by the rules” and feel lucky they have their families there. “I mean, we’re driving each other absolutely insane, about things you wouldn’t normally get mad about, but at the end of the day, at least we have each other, you know? ” she said. “That’s been really fortunate.”

Now, Britney is back home with sons Sean Preston, 14, and Jayden, 13. When returning from Louisiana, she revealed via Instagram that she had lost weight from missing her boyfriend, Sam Asghari.

“I have been quarantining since I got back from Louisiana weeks ago …. so basically I haven’t seen my boyfriend @samasghari in what feels like a lifetime!!!! I have actually lost weight from missing him,” she wrote, sharing photos of loose clothes. “Now none of my pants or shorts fit!!!!! Guess that’s what missing someone can do …. who else is experiencing this ????!”


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