It’s a … ! Dr. Paul, Brittany Nassif Reveal Sex of 1st Child Together



The secret’s out! Dr. Paul Nassif and his pregnant wife, Brittany Nassif (née Pattakos), are expecting a baby girl.

“It’s a girl!!” the reality star, 57, wrote via Instagram on Wednesday, April 22, after showing off a golfing-themed pink explosion. “My heart is racing! This is truly one of the best days of my life. I can’t wait to meet you, my baby girl! Thoughts on baby names now that we know it’s a girl?! #GenderReveal #GirlDad.”

Paul Nassif and Pregnant Brittany Nassif Reveal Sex of First Child Together
Paul Nassif and Brittany Pattakos attend The Brent Shapiro Foundation for Drug Prevention Summer Spectacular in Los Angeles on September 7, 2018. Rob Latour/Variety/Shutterstock

The Botched star announced earlier this month that his wife, 29, is pregnant with their first child together, his fourth. (The reality star already shares three sons with his ex-wife, Real Housewives of Beverly HillsAdrienne Maloof.)

“I’m so excited & blessed to announce that my wife @brittanypattakos and I are bringing a new life into this world,” the E! personality captioned his April 15 Instagram reveal. “October can’t come soon enough to meet my first baby girl or my fourth baby boy (yes, it’s going to be a surprise for me)! All I know is I better get my diaper-changing skills polished up. There is nothing like the feeling of holding a new born, especially when it’s my baby.”

The following week, the California native opened up to Us Weekly exclusively about Brittany’s pregnancy.

“Brittany had minimal nausea during the first trimester,” Paul told Us on Wednesday, April 22. “Now she has some heartburn, dizziness, fatigue and seems to always be hungry!”

He added, “Brittany is nervous. It’s her first baby so a whole new experience for her but she is very excited!”

While the pregnant star knew the sex of their baby-to-be at the time, her husband was still in the dark. The NassifMD Dermaceuticals creator told Us, “Most important is that we wish for the baby to be healthy.”

The couple got engaged in June 2019 and tied the knot in Greece four months later.

In November 2019, Paul told Us exclusively about his and Brittany’s baby plans. “Brittany and I do plan on expanding the family,” he said at the time. “I have three boys right now. Obviously, I would love a girl. But we’re going to see what happens naturally.”

When it comes to coparenting with Maloof, 58, their dynamic is “fine,” the plastic surgeon revealed.

“We talk and text weekly,” Paul told Us. “Even as the kids are getting older, we’re still doing things, talking about basketball, this and that, school. We have a parent-teacher conference coming up this week, so we’ll both be there. So everything’s going fine. We’re getting along very well. As a matter of fact, she congratulated us after we got married, and we just went to a little Halloween event at her house.”

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