Hugs! Salons! Stars Reveal the 1st Thing They Want to Do After Quarantine



Dreaming big! Wells Adams, Derek Hough and more stars already have the perfect post-quarantine plans picked out — and they’ve spilled all their secrets to Us Weekly exclusively.

The former Bachelorette contestant, 35, admitted “it’s been nice” to spend extra time with his fiancée, Sarah Hyland. Though the pair have been handling “quarantine really well together,” Adams is looking forward to having a little more outside interaction once social distancing guidelines slow down.

“I want to go to a bar. I want to get drunk and take an Uber home,” the Bachelor in Paradise bartender told Us earlier this month. “I want to hug somebody that’s not my dog or my fiancée. And I want to go back to work.”

Hough, 34, has a similar idea of how he’ll spend his first few moments outside of the house with girlfriend Hayley Erbert.

Wells Adams Derek Hough Stars Reveal First Thing They Want to Do After Quarantine
Wells Adams and Derek Hough. Shutterstock (2)

“It’s going to be interesting,” the World of Dance judge said in March. “We’re able to get out and walk around, and be outside. … I’m looking forward to just being out and about, and driving around and seeing people, and being around people.”

While some celebs are eager to get back in touch with their friends and return to normal life, others are a little more anxious about getting in the open air. British actor Rafe Spall, however, is fully prepared to “single-handedly bring the hospitality industry back to life.”

“I want to be sat in a restaurant with my best friends. I want to be three martinis down, trying to figure out what to order. That for me, is heaven,” the Shaun of the Dead star, 37, explained. “I’m going to go out there … eat, drink and be merry, and be with people. I just miss people. I love people. I love life and I can’t wait to get back to it.”

Masked Singer alum Hunter Hayes, for his part, only has one thing on his mind: music. “The first thing I want to do is tour!” the country crooner, 28, told Us exclusively. “I had to push my dates back, but it let me go back into the studio and really dive deep with every song, I can’t wait to get back and see my fans.”

After a long stretch of time at home with her family, Brandy has a self-care spa day at the top of her list of things to do after quarantine.

“I want to go to a nail salon!” the Grammy winner, 41, gushed. “My daughter had her little gel powder setup upstairs in her room, but there’s just no replacing a real nail shop. I want to feel the feels, smell the smells, all of that.”

Watch the video above to learn more about the first things celebrities want to do when quarantine is over.

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