Hollywood Fave George ‘the Jeweler’ Khalife Tells Us How to Layer Like a Celeb



Hollywood Fave George ‘the Jeweler’ Khalife Tells Us How to Layer Like a Celeb
Courtesy of Gigi Hadid/Instagram

George ‘the Jeweler’ Khalife has created tons of stunning pieces for Gigi Hadid, Khloe Kardashian, Sarah Hyland, Jenna Dewan, Shay Mitchell, Vanessa Hudgens and more, so when Stylish got the chance to hear his tips for the chicest way to wear them, we were all ears. 

To start off, Khalife‘s first rule is to “make a statement” and experiment with your jewelry, regardless of which items you’re specifically drawn to. 

“You should always have fun with your accessories. … Whether you’re wearing a bunch of necklaces and bracelets, mismatching earrings or even just one earring,” he says.

Once you’ve chosen your top picks, the gem expert says it’s time to pile them on, but in a thoughtful and precise way.

“You need to keep the whole look in mind and not just throw stuff on. If you have a big bold chain choker, don’t pair it with a thin one that sits at your collarbones,” Khalife says.

“When layering necklaces, either wear all the same type of chain or all different chains.

Wearing all different chains looks really cool and I always consider the negative space that different chains and lengths create.”

Hollywood Fave George ‘the Jeweler’ Khalife Tells Us How to Layer Like a Celeb
Courtesy of Shay Mitchell/Instagram

Some of his go-to styles for nailing a fashionable look: His 14” beaded Cassie choker, a 16” box chain with a nameplate or charm hanging from it and an 18 or 20” old school type of link chain with a medallion.

“Remember that the thicker chains should be the longest or shortest and not in the middle. In most cases, that looks the most aesthetically pleasing,” he spills.

Another thing to try? “If you have two pendants you love and the chains are the same length, put both charms on one chain. I like wearing my cross with my diamond Mary medallion together on a longer chain and sometimes I wear two of my diamond crosses on two different chains, one just slightly longer than the other.” 

Hollywood Fave George ‘the Jeweler’ Khalife Tells Us How to Layer Like a Celeb
Courtesy of Vanessa Hudgens/Instagram

When it comes to stacking bracelets, Khalife says it’s important to differentiate the jewelry vibe on each wrist. 

“Wear a thick, chunky bracelet on one hand and a bunch of thinner ones on the other. I love putting mens style chains on women and like that it looks like a customer is wearing her boyfriend’s chain or bracelet,” he explains.

One thing Khalife doesn’t steer clear of is mixing and matching metals. “I like all the combinations and even wearing gold, silver and rose gold together. … I’ve always also been drawn to rose and white gold, but white gold and silver are becoming more popular and they look great with a summer tan.” 


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