Here’s Why We Can’t Get Over This Incredible Self-Tanning Lotion



During this prolonged period of social isolation, I’ve definitely been in the market for a self-tanning product. Usually I reserve my self-tanner usage for the winter months until I can get back out in the sun again — but that may not be a reality for quite some time. The summer hasn’t started yet, but I live in New York City and don’t exactly know when beaches and parks will safely reopen. Obviously public heath and safety are the most important concerns right now!


In the meantime, I’m seriously thankful that self-tanning products exist so I can at least feel like I’ve been relaxing out by the water for a couple of hours! I loaded up my cart with a few different options, and ended up falling in love with the results I got after using Solei Toujours’ Organic Sunless Tanning Creme. Dare I say it might be one of the best that I’ve ever tried? You can order it right now from Revolve. And as a nice little bonus, when you spend over $100 on the site you’ll also get a free hand sanitizer — talk about a win-win!

Solei Toujours Organic Sunless Tanning Creme
Solei Toujours Organic Sunless Tanning Creme Revolve

See it!

Get the Solei Toujours Organic Sunless Tanning Creme with free shipping for just $48, available from Revolve! 

First and foremost, using this product is incredibly simple. All you have to do is apply the luxurious, thick cream in circular motions all over your body and wait at least 15 minutes for it to dry and before putting on any clothes. Make sure that it dries completely by doing a touch test. If it still feels like the cream is sinking in, wait for a couple more minutes. Trust me — I learned this the hard way!

There’s no need to use a tanning mitt to apply the cream, and you also don’t have to be too careful with the circular motions. I went back and forth with bigger and smaller circles and didn’t see a single streak once the tan fully developed! The most crucial step is to make sure that it’s thoroughly rubbed in.

self tanner stock photo

See it!

Get the Solei Toujours Organic Sunless Tanning Creme with free shipping for just $48, available from Revolve! 

The directions say to use the cream sparingly on the ankles, wrists, elbows and knees. With that in mind, I just prepped my skin by applying lotion on those areas right before using the cream. I did the same routine for my hands and feet, but I carefully washed my palms to avoid an unsightly orange stain!

The verdict? I got an incredible, natural-looking tan that fully developed overnight. It takes eight full hours to see your actual results, so overnight tanning was absolutely the way to go. It’s been over a week and my tan is still going strong! I have noticed some minor fading, but it’s not nearly as dramatic as other products that I’ve tried in the past. Moisturizing regularly would have helped make this last longer, so I plan on doing that after my next application. I can’t wait!

See it: Get the Solei Toujours Organic Sunless Tanning Creme with free shipping for just $48, available from Revolve! 

Not what you’re looking for? Check out more products from Solei Toujours and shop all of the beauty and skincare available from Revolve here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

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