Haylie Duff: It’s Certainly ‘Not the Time’ to Marry Fiance Matt Rosenberg



Timing is everything. Haylie Duff got real about not considering wedding plans with fiancé Matt Rosenberg amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“We’re busy with both of the kids and jobs, and we always say, ‘We will at some point,’ and then life continues to be busy, and we still really like each other, which is good, I guess,” the actress, 35, told Us Weekly exclusively on Friday, April 24, while discussing her partnership with HP. “At some point we will, but certainly now is not the time to have a wedding.”

After waiting several years to tie the knot, Duff made a good point about why the couple would not want to jump the gun now. “You couldn’t have many people there, could you?” she noted, referring to restrictions on large gatherings.

Haylie Duff Says Not Time to Marry Fiance Matt Rosenberg Amid Pandemic
Haylie Duff and Matt Rosenberg Courtesy of Haylie Duff/Instagram

The pair got engaged in April 2014 after more than a year of dating. They welcomed daughters Ryan and Lulu in May 2015 and June 2018, respectively.

As for how Duff and Rosenberg are coping with quarantine, all is well. “We are fortunate that he has a work space upstairs, where he can go up there and focus on his job, and I can work downstairs, and we can have moments to [ourselves] if we need it,” she explained. “We’ve liked this time.”

In fact, the circumstances have allowed the family more time together. “The other night, we went outside as the sun was going down,” she recalled. “We made s’mores, and he’s normally not home that early in the day, so we’ve had a lot more family dinners. We’ve had every meal together, but he’s normally not home for family dinners, so there’s been a lot of really good things too. When we need some space, we just take it.”

Duff later pointed out how unifying the common struggles of the global health crisis have been. “It affects everyone,” she said. “There’s not really anybody that gets to escape what all is happening. We all are affected by it in different ways, and that’s the beautiful part is that we can all support each other because we are all experiencing the same things and in this together.”

Haylie Duff Says Not Time to Marry Fiance Matt Rosenberg Amid Pandemic
Haylie Duff and Matt Rosenberg Courtesy of Haylie Duff/Instagram

One way the 7th Heaven alum is doing her part is by partnering with HP. The tech brand, along with Education.com, Time for Kids, Canva and KiwiCo, recently launched a free online resource which features fun and engaging activities to support families as they adapt to remote learning.

With reporting by Christina Garibaldi

Given the constantly evolving nature of COVID-19, Us Weekly wants our readers to have access to the most accurate resources. For the most up-to-date coronavirus information, guidance and support, consult the CDC, WHO and information from local public health officials. If you’re experiencing coronavirus symptoms, call your primary care provider for medical advice.

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