Haylie Duff Is Hiding Mom Meltdowns and Drinking White Claw Amid Quarantine



Staying sane while social distancing! Haylie Duff opened up about the highs and lows of quarantining with kids amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“Every mom in this situation has [had a mom meltdown],” the actress, 35, recently told Us Weekly exclusively while promoting her HP partnership. “I try to keep them away from my kids as much as possible, but stuff happens. For me, it’s more like I’m not sharing this stress of this time with them. They’re little, they don’t really understand what’s happening, so trying to not share with them the things that we worry about or stress about, I think is a big priority for us.”

Haylie Duff Shares Quarantine Parenting Confessions: Mom Meltdowns and More
Haylie Duff attends The Little Market’s International Women’s Day event on March 6, 2020. Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/MEGA

The fashion designer, who shares Ryan, 4, and Lulu, 22 months, with her fiancé, Matt Rosenberg, went on to tell Us that she has gone through “maybe 15” White Claws so far. She’s also only gone “two” days in a row without washing her hair.

Not only is the Little Moon Society creator showering regularly, but she has also been strict about wearing real clothes instead of sweatpants.

“I’ve tried to be really good about not going down that hole, so I’m definitely not wearing clothes two days in a row,” Duff told Us. “I’ve been putting on jeans quite a bit. In all fairness, they’re vintage Levis so they fit like sweatpants, but I’m trying to get dressed as much as I can because I feel like it just changes my mood, how I feel. Thirty, 40 days in sweatpants I don’t think is good for anybody.”

While the Real Girls Kitchen author does get herself “together” every day, she has taken off her jewelry and nail polish while staying at home with her family. “I’ve really tried to clean up my act a bit, which has been nice,” Duff told Us.

The Texas native added that she has not locked herself in her room to escape her little ones for a bit, although she “would love that option.”

Duff explained, “Lulu’s not even two yet, and I don’t know how well that would work for me. I feel like she would be knocking on the door like, ‘Mom, Mom, Mom.’”

For more of the Napoleon Dynamite star’s Mom-Fessions amid quarantine, watch the video above.

With reporting by Christina Garibaldi

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