Hannah Brown’s Brother Celebrates Birthday a Month After Overdose



Hannah Brown Brother Patrick Celebrates Birthday After Overdose
Hannah Brown and Patrick Brown. Courtesy of Patrick Brown/Instagram

Moving forward. Hannah Brown‘s brother Patrick is celebrating his 23rd birthday by focusing on the positive.

The former Bachelorette‘s younger brother celebrated his birthday on Wednesday, April 15, a month and a half after he overdosed and spent time in a rehab facility.

“Feeling more free then ever being 23 (Get it? No? Okay I tried),” he captioned a photo of him with a friend on Wednesday. “On a serious note I am so thankful to leave behind a life of terrible decisions that was keeping me tied down from moving closer to God. Even though I am l leaving that life behind I will always remember the lessons a learned along the way and remember who I DON’T want to be anymore. 23 is my year to self-heal, self-love, and use my story to help people.”

Hannah Brown Brother Patrick Celebrates Birthday After Overdose
Patrick Brown and Hannah Brown. Courtesy Hannah Brown/Instagram

He also thanked everyone who sent birthday wishes. “Wanna also give a HUGE thank you to those of you who went out of your way to make it special,” he wrote. “You guys keep me going day in and day out! Also, Happy Birthday to my birthday twin (kinda) above!”

Hannah, 25, also took to her Instagram Story to show how she was celebrating with her brother. She posted a video of her waking up her brother and singing “Happy Birthday” to him.

On March 16, Patrick revealed via an emotional Instagram that on March 1, he overdosed.

“I ended up spending 2 days on a ventilator and I am so grateful to be here to share this with everyone. I am not posting this for pity or [whatnot] but to thank everyone who has checked up on me. Y’all are the reason I fully intend to take my story and share it to hopefully save another loved ones to not have to go through waiting by the bedside hoping they wake up,” he captioned a photo, tagging a rehab facility in Texas as his location. “I have grown so much closer to God, healing my heart, and finding out who has my best interest at heart. This is my second chance and I intend to make the best out of it and can’t wait to share where my testimony goes from here!”

He continued: “Tomorrow isn’t promised, so live it for the king, hold your loved ones a little harder every day and check in on them. Things like this don’t happen suddenly, it happens in the dark and slowly. Sometimes all it takes is a simple text or phone call to show someone you care.”

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

Listen on Spotify to Here For the Right Reasons to get inside scoop about the Bachelor franchise and exclusive interviews from contestants.


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