Hannah Ann Sluss Says She Wants a ‘Very Manly’ BF, Unlike Her Ex Peter Weber



Ready for a change. Hannah Ann Sluss wants her next boyfriend to be the complete opposite of her ex-fiancé, Peter Weber. 

“Gosh, my type changes after, like, with every guy that I’m interested in,” the model, 23, said on the Wednesday, April 15, episode of Wells Adams and Brandi Cyrus‘ “Your Favorite Thing” podcast. “OK, the next guy I’m looking for — the type, I want him to be very hunky. I want him to be very manly. Very, very decisive. Very independent.”

Hannah Ann Sluss Says She Wants a Very Manly Boyfriend Unlike Her Ex Peter Weber
Hannah Ann Sluss and Peter Weber. ABC/Eric McCandless; ABC/John Fleenor

Cyrus, 32, noted that Sluss was describing someone who is the opposite of the 28-year-old pilot.

“Yes, the opposite,” the Tennessee native confirmed. “I want him to be, like, very manly and, like no messing around. Just to the point, decisive. And, I want him to be hot, like, super hot and hunky.”

Sluss added that her dating life has been out of the ordinary since she began the casting process for the Bachelor. She explained that she didn’t text other guys while auditioning for the reality series, “which is weird ‘cause, like, [it] still had to be, like, I was dating him before I even went on the show.”

Weber proposed to Sluss during the finale of the Bachelor, which taped in November 2019. Two months later, Weber confessed that he still had feelings for Madison Prewett, who had left the show, and Sluss called off their engagement.

Hannah Ann Sluss Says She Wants a Very Manly Boyfriend Unlike Her Ex Peter Weber
Hannah Ann Sluss and Peter Weber on ‘The Bachelor.’ ABC/John Fleenor

Sluss explained that she still wasn’t able to date other men after their break up because no one could know that she and Weber had split before the finale aired in March. After the episode finally aired, Sluss’ love life was still quiet because of the coronavirus quarantine.

“And then after, you know, the last episode of the show, I’m, like, finally being able to be single and then we go into this quarantine where you can’t really see anyone and so, my dating life has just been, like, really whacky and boring. But I have seen one person, in particular, because I can only choose one, you know?” Sluss said.

The former ABC personality has publicly shaded Weber multiple times in the weeks since their break up aired. In her first social media post since their split went public in March, Sluss shared a photo of herself wearing aviator goggles. 

“Flyin’ solo… no turbulence accepted. PERIOD,” she captioned the picture in a nod to Weber’s pilot career.

Sluss also poked fun at the Virginia native’s manhood on the Thursday, April 9, episode of Kaitlyn Bristowe‘s “Off the Vine” podcast.

“The vegetable that represents Peter’s manhood would be cauliflower because it has no taste,” she joked at the time. “Because cauliflower needs, like, a lot of flavor, it needs a lot. It’s just bland.”

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