Grab an Iconic Pair of Ray-Ban Aviators at Nordstrom — Up to 40% Off



The Better Together Sale at Nordstrom? Oh, it’s just getting started. The retailer has been teaming up with its top-selling, most iconic brands over the past couple of weeks to bring a bright spot into our lives that we can rely on, with flash deals up to 40% off. The theme this time around? Summer Staycation!

For the next couple of days, we can save on everything we need to “soak up the season at home,” making the best of the sunny, cloudless skies. For Us, the moment we see the word sunny, one accessory immediately comes to mind: sunglasses! We wouldn’t leave home without them, and sometimes they’re even necessary when the sun’s rays are shining through the window. Our brand pick? None other than Ray-Ban!



See it!

Save up to 40% on Ray-Ban aviator sunglasses at Nordstrom with free shipping! Sale ends April 18, 2020 at 9 a.m. ET.

Now, as you can see, the Summer Staycation iteration of this sale is over come Saturday morning, so we don’t have much time to waste. And hey, it’s not like we need to convince you that Ray-Ban is the best of the best. The brand has been at the top of the eye accessory game since its creation in 1936, creating sunglasses that act as “a declaration of belonging, style and attitude.” And that goes for any gender!

Ray-Ban may be most famous for its aviator styles, but you can still get creative when it comes to the details. If you have a square-shaped face for example, you might find yourself reaching for a pair with rounded frames — or if you want to try stepping outside of that classic box, you can try a geometric shape!


See it!

Save up to 40% on Ray-Ban aviator sunglasses at Nordstrom with free shipping! Sale ends April 18, 2020 at 9 a.m. ET.

Shapes are one thing, but there are so many different types of lenses to choose from too. Solid black? Always cool. Gradient? Definitely go for it. More into the mirrored look? Not a problem. There are even some nice colors too, like blue and pink. Looking for no tint at all? There’s also a pair with totally clear lenses!

Sunglasses really are one of those accessories that we’d recommend to every single person. They’re obviously a huge help when it comes to the glare of the sun, but they’re also a great tool to have on your belt when you don’t feel like putting eye makeup on. There’s also the fact that they’re just so stylish. When done right, that is. Luckily, Ray-Ban has never gotten them wrong!

See it!

Save up to 40% on Ray-Ban aviator sunglasses at Nordstrom with free shipping! Sale ends April 18, 2020 at 9 a.m. ET.

Not your style? Check out more from Ray-Ban here and shop the rest of the Nordstrom Better Together Sale here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

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