Grab a Pair of Iconic Lululemon Align Workout Tights on Sale Right Now



It’s rare that we spot a seriously coveted item on sale. When demand is high, why would retailers knock the price down unless they desperately need to get rid of excess stock?

Believe it or not, even Lululemon has leftover goods they want to ditch to make room for new merch! They have a specific section on their site that’s dubbed We Made Too Much. As the title suggests, the beloved brand has extra on hand — and we all benefit as a result! While casually browsing, we clocked a deal so incredible that we just had to share. The last item that we expected to find on sale? Lululemon Align workout leggings! But we did — and we couldn’t be happier about this steal.

Align Pant 28 (Pink Taupe)
Align Pant 28″ (Pink Taupe) Lululemon

See it!

Get the Align Pant 28″ (originally $98) on sale for just $79 available from Lululemon, and check out all of their styles on sale here!

If you aren’t familiar, these leggings are some of the best that Lululemon has to offer. They are high-waisted and the ideal fit for working out. These tights are designed to be worn during your yoga session, but they are also optimized for running or any other fitness-related activity. If you’re not the athletic type, these are definitely some of the best leggings to own for relaxing around the house.

Black is the most popular hue when it comes to leggings — and naturally the hardest to track down. Luckily, the colors that are on sale are extremely fitting for the spring season! The light pink is adorable, and the sea foam green shade gives Us beachy vibes. There are also two printed options if you want to go bold with your activewear!

Align Pant 28 (Tidewater Teal)
Align Pant 28″ (Tidewater Teal) Lululemon

See it!

Get the Align Pant 28″ (originally $98) on sale for just $79 available from Lululemon, and check out all of their styles on sale here!

These leggings have a high-rise 28-inch inseam that completely covers your midsection. This is an important detail — while working out, it’s crucial to squeeze your abs to focus on core strength. While these leggings don’t do all of the work for you, the way they fit your stomach region may enhance the fitness experience.

These are full-length leggings that run all the way down to the ankles, which is a style that we’re fond of. As with all Lulu pieces of this nature, they have a secret pocket on the inseam where you can keep a credit card or house key handy. We don’t know about you, but we’re ordering these leggings while we can!

See it: Get the Align Pant 28″ (originally $98) on sale for just $79 available from Lululemon, and check out all of their styles on sale here!

Want to shop for more? Discover more pieces on sale from Lululemon, and check out everything that Lululemon has to offer here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

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