Get to Know ‘Hollywood’ Actress Michelle Krusiec with These 10 Fun Facts! (Exclusive)



The new Netflix series Hollywood is streaming now and we caught up with Michelle Krusiec, who was one of our favorite parts of the show!

The Taiwanese American actress plays the role of Anna May Wong, an actress who was an actual movie star back in the 1920s and 1930s.

Anna was up for a role as Chinese character O-Lean in the movie The Good Earth, but the studio refused to consider her and went with white actress Luise Rainer instead. Luise went on to win the Oscar for Best Actress and this injustice was depicted in the new series.

You might recognize Michelle from roles on shows like Popular, Dirty Sexy Money, Hawaii Five-0, and more. Here are 10 Fun Facts about her:

  • 1. I have a habit of shopping for things online, putting them in “the cart” and then never buying them.
  • 2. When my first son was three, he had a pair of small black pants and they were lying on my bed and I thought they were my pants that had shrunk. I think I may have even tried to put them on until I realized they weren’t mine. #newparent #thatusedtobemybod
  • 3. I breast fed my son until he was two and a half. I read in the baby books that kids quit on their own. Well… that was all lies.
  • 4. I was almost arrested at JFK for having brass knuckles in my carry on which is considered illegal in NY. I had a clutch that had a brass knuckle detail on it, and the police were called in to detain me. I had to convince them that the purse was for a red-carpet event by showing them the press photos on my phone.
  • 5. As a young actor, I attended the premiere of As Good As It Gets and as I was rushing in, all the photographers shouted, “Michelle! Michelle!” I turned around excited that weirdly they knew my name and the next day it was reported that ice skater Michelle Kwan had attended the event with my photo.

Click inside to read the rest of the fun facts…

  • 6. I cry whenever I try to sing the Frozen song. In particular the lyrics, ‘Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know…. WELL, NOW THEY KNOW.’ Buh huh huh!
  • 7. I revealed to some filmmaker friends that I would love to meet Moana as a real person and they all thought I was kidding. I wasn’t.
  • 8. I’m the one on the dance floor who you think is on drugs, but I’m not. I just really dance like that.
  • 9. I once tried to give the President of China a Valentine’s Day Card while lunching at the White House and he (the President of China) kept talking to an older man who I later realized was Henry Kissinger. I bet they wished they had a photo of me standing between the two of them now. You snooze, you lose, guys.
  • 10. I have a dark and offbeat sense of humor and sometimes people get it, but a lot of times, they don’t, and it can get awkward.

You can stream Hollywood right now on Netflix!


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