Get the Jawline of Your Dreams With One Use of These Patches — On Sale!



Let’s talk about necks, baby. Really, though. When it comes to skincare, we have our 10-step routine down and our face is smoother, brighter and dewier than it ever was before. But when it comes to our neck and jaw? They’re feeling a little neglected. We know we need to pay more attention to them, but our routine takes long enough as it is!

Sadly, sagging skin waits for no one. If we want a defined jawline, we have to do something about it, especially if we’re leaning over phones and keyboards all day (hello, tech-neck!). Before you start to groan, read ahead. Taking care of your neck, chin and jawline doesn’t have to mean adding minutes to your routine. With these lifting patches, you can multitask with ease!

Skederm Lifting Patch for Face and Chin – 5-Pack

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Get the Skederm Lifting Patch for Face and Chin – 5-Pack (originally $25) for just $20 at Amazon! Get it as soon as May 16, 2020! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 11, 2020, but are subject to change.

If you’re someone who tends to stare at themselves during Zoom or FaceTime calls, constantly readjusting your position so your angles look good, this is the product you’ve been waiting for. As told by hundreds of previously insecure reviewers, they are now no longer embarrassed to show their face or look in the mirror, their double chin woes vanquished. Those dealing with excess skin after a weight loss say these patches firmed things up, while those who were more skeptical than anything are now obsessed with their results!

Most impressively, reviewer after reviewer is saying that results were not only noticeable, but obvious after one use. Not only that, but the results lasted for days. If you have a big event coming up, they say these patches are must-haves. Plus, they’ll leave you feeling totally pampered!



See it!

Get the Skederm Lifting Patch for Face and Chin – 5-Pack (originally $25) for just $20 at Amazon! Get it as soon as May 16, 2020! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 11, 2020, but are subject to change.

To use this chin mask, simply place each loop around an ear, stretching it so the band fits snugly against your chin and jaw. With these loops holding the mask in place, you can do anything you want — whether it’s styling your hair or taking a power nap. After 20 to 30 minutes, remove. Repeat two to three times a week!

These moisturizing and cooling patches feel amazing, but the potential of reduced puffiness, a contoured chin and firm and tight skin is the best part. It’s free of synthetic fragrances, colors and parabens too! Our spirit is already feeling lifted — we can’t wait to say the same for our skin!

See it!

Get the Skederm Lifting Patch for Face and Chin – 5-Pack (originally $25) for just $20 at Amazon! Get it as soon as May 16, 2020! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 11, 2020, but are subject to change.

Looking for something else? Check out more from Skederm here and shop more treatments and masks here! See all of Amazon’s Daily Deals here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

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