Get a Glowing Complexion the Natural Way With These CBD-Infused Products



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Many of Us may be a little bit confused about the state of our complexions. If we’re not wearing makeup as often or being exposed to harsh pollutants, our skin should be looking better than ever — right? At the start of this period of self-isolating and social distancing, we may have thought that this situation would give our skin a break at the very least. With less product buildup comes less breakouts — or so we thought!

If you’re experiencing breakouts after not having suffered from acne in years, you’re not alone. Many of Us are in the same boat! Even with an influx of time, it’s easy to lose sight of your routine and skincare goals. Of course, stress is seriously hurting the situation — it causes the skin to produce excess oil that wouldn’t be there otherwise. Luckily, one of the best ways to fight these unwanted blemishes is with CBD-infused skincare.

We found two stellar products to test and make a part of your new daily regimen — a cleanser and a serum. Both are all-natural, gentle on the skin and can yield some glorious results. What do you have to lose?

CBDFx CBD Face Cleanser – Rejuvediol™

CBDFX CBD Face Cleanser – Rejuvediol™
CBDFx CBD Face Cleanser – Rejuvediol™ LifeToGo

This cleanser is seriously next level. It utilizes a variety of all-natural ingredients, starting with the 50mg of hemp extract. The hemp oil works with the other components (including charcoal and mint) to limit your face’s production of excess oil, as well as keep the skin calm. These two forces combined help you to naturally prevent acne breakouts and help relax redness, which can happen more frequently when stress is a factor. The mint sensation will feel amazing on freshly unclogged pores — and best of all, it’s a vegan, non-GMO product that doesn’t rely on animal testing.

See it!

Get the CBDFx CBD Face Cleanser – Rejuvediol™ for just $30, available from LifeToGo!

CBDFx Rejuvediol™ CBD Face Oil Serum

CBDFX CBD Face Oil Serum
CBDFx Rejuvediol™ CBD Face Oil Serum LifeToGo

This face serum essentially tackles every common skin issue and concern that you can think of. It contains anti-aging properties that will help firm the skin, promote collagen production and protect it from free radicals. This serum is especially beneficial for anyone that suffers from sensitive skin that’s prone to redness and irritation. It contains 250mg of full-spectrum CBD which helps relax the face, as well as a slew of other all-natural ingredients to make it all the more powerful. Jojoba oil, rose extract, vitamin E and red raspberry seed oil amp up the calming and soothing effects of this product. If your skin is under the spell of stress and irritation, this product can do wonders!

See it!

Get the CBDFx Rejuvediol™ CBD Face Oil Serum for just $60, available from LifeToGo!

Looking for something else? Check out more CBD-based products from CBDFx and shop everything available from LifeToGo here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

This post is brought to you by Us Weekly’s Shop With Us team. The Shop With Us team aims to highlight products and services our readers might find interesting and useful. Product and service selection, however, is in no way intended to constitute an endorsement by either Us Weekly or of any celebrity mentioned in the post.

The Shop With Us team may receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. In addition, Us Weekly receives compensation from the manufacturer of the products we write about when you click on a link and then purchase the product featured in an article. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product or service is featured or recommended. Shop With Us operates independently from advertising sales team. We welcome your feedback at Happy shopping!


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