George ‘the Jeweler’ Khalife on the Meaning Behind Gigi Hadid, Zayn Malik’s Evil Eye Bracelets



George ‘the Jeweler’ Khalife on the Meaning Behind Gigi Hadid, Zayn Malik’s Evil Eye Bracelets
Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid. Bukajlo Frederic/Sipa/Shutterstock

Good vibes only! Now that Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik are expecting a baby girl, the couple is focused on bringing positive energy their way — and they’re doing it in style, thanks to George ‘the Jeweler’ Khalife.  

Khalife has made tons of gorgeous pieces for Hadid over the years, including her personalized diamond ‘Zayn’ necklace, custom gold ‘Hadid’ necklace in Arabic writing, Hamsa pendant necklace and more. To celebrate the couple’s happy news, the jewelry designer created matching diamond evil eye bracelets for the pair.

George ‘the Jeweler’ Khalife on the Meaning Behind Gigi Hadid, Zayn Malik’s Evil Eye Bracelets
Courtesy of George Khalife

The reason Hadid is drawn to Khalife’s jewelry? “It’s modern, timeless and trendy all at the same time. … I keep my prices reasonable and can make pretty much anything. … I think that’s why women love working with me and love to collect, mix, match and layer my pieces,” he tells Stylish.

As for how he and Hadid decided on evil eye bracelets this time: “As soon as I heard the news, I congratulated her and the evil eye charm just came up. Gigi, Zayn and I all have Middle Eastern roots and I am a fan of symbolic pieces and good luck charms. In our culture, we wear the evil eye to keep away negative energy and ward jealousy,” he shares.

“I suggested the idea of matching bracelets and she liked it. Hopefully the bracelets will remind them not to let anything negative affect them during this new chapter of their lives.” 

George ‘the Jeweler’ Khalife on the Meaning Behind Gigi Hadid, Zayn Malik’s Evil Eye Bracelets
Courtesy of George Khalife

The jewelry designer also believes that wearing ‘twinning’ pieces can bring a couple closer together. “I know I like it when I look over at my person and we are wearing matching jewelry. … It reminds us that we’re in this together.”

“Jewelry symbolizes a person’s love for another and it retains value, which is why it has become the go-to present for moments of significant importance like marriage, anniversaries, birthdays and pregnancies,” he notes.

George ‘the Jeweler’ Khalife on the Meaning Behind Gigi Hadid, Zayn Malik’s Evil Eye Bracelets
Courtesy of George Khalife

“I came up with the term ‘wearable memories’ and it’s the perfect way to explain it. … Everyone wants to give that happiness to someone.”

The gem expert even advocates gifting yourself jewelry. “I love when I’m able to save up and buy something nice for myself. It gives you that, ‘I worked hard for this’ feeling every time you look at it and that’s the best.”

And when picking out the perfect memento, he opts for investment pieces; namely, diamonds and personalized pieces. “I love my diamond cross pendant because it looks good on everyone,” he dishes. “I also think every woman should own a nice diamond tennis bracelet because you can dress it up with cocktail or black tie attire or dress it down with a pair of jeans. You’ll get a lot of use out of a link chain too and personalized necklaces, especially name necklaces, are very in style right now.”


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