Gavin Rossdale Talks Challenges of Coparenting With Gwen Amid Quarantine



A new normal. Gavin Rossdale is opening about the challenges he faces trying to coparent with Gwen Stefani amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The singer, 54, said that figuring out a schedule that is safe for their three sons, Kingston, 13, Zuma, 11 and Apollo, 6, has been “tricky” during an appearance on SiriusXM’s Trunk Nation on Friday, April 10.

“I did the first two weeks with them, then they went to Oklahoma,” Rossdale said about his boys, who are currently isolating with Stefani, 50, and her boyfriend, Blake Shelton, on his “10,000-acre ranch” in the Sooner State.

“I think it’s ok for now,” he continued, “but it’s a real big dilemma for parents and kids with split custody.”

He went on to explain that he’s “mindful” of his sons and very cautious about who he spends time with due to the novel illness, which has infected 1.7 million people worldwide and claimed more than 110,000 lives, according to CNN.

“I know who’s around me and know who’s bringing the corona — no one — but you send your kids out and now they’re coming back to you, and now you’re prone to whoever they’re with,” Rossdale said. “So, it’s a tricky one with all divorced parents.”

He added, “I miss them, and they should be back. I have them the first week and then I haven’t had them for ten or 11 days, and that’s a long time. Normally I have them every five days or something.”

The father of three joked that he was content with the arrangement at first, noting that he could be “selfish” and “play that guitar more.”

“But now I’m like, ‘I prefer it when they’re around,’” he dished.

To fight the loneliness, Rossdale and his sons have been doing “a lot of FaceTime,” even though the kids often “don’t want to.”

The English rocker previously told Us Weekly that he and Stefani are “doing the best they can” for their sons.

“You know, we both manage to feed them and get them to school on time, more or less!” Rossdale told Us exclusively in May 2019. “They are doing really good. They’re really happy, and that’s it.”

The “Hollaback Girl” singer and the Bush guitarist split in 2015 after nearly 13 years of marriage. Rossdale is also the father of daughter Daisy Lowe with ex Pearl Lowe.

Given the constantly evolving nature of COVID-19, Us Weekly wants our readers to have access to the most accurate resources. For the most up-to-date coronavirus information, guidance, and support, consult the CDCWHO, and information from local public health officials. If you’re experiencing coronavirus symptoms, call your primary care provider for medical advice.

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