Eve Reveals the Hilarious Story Behind Her Paw Print Tattoos



Eve Reveals the Hilarious Story Behind Her Paw Print Tattoos
Eve at the 13th Annual “Essence” Black Women in Hollywood Awards Luncheon on February 6, 2020. Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/MEGA

Eve is constantly serving up looks, but of all the epic accessories and beauty moves she’s rocked, including blue hair, none are as iconic as her paw print tattoos — and she wants more ink!

Although the world is on pause right now due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 41-year-old singer has no plans to stop experimenting — or adding to her collection.

“I have a few tattoos that I want to get and I want to get pierced because I only have two holes, so literally, right before everything was shut down, I was doing research on who I wanted to go to,” she tells Stylish. “I will 100% be getting some new tattoos, nothing crazy and I’ll definitely be getting pierced, for sure.”

While the “Let Me Blow Ya Mind” songstress gathered various tats throughout her career, she has no regrets about her previous choices.

“When I got the paws on my chest, my mom was like, ‘What the hell are you doing with your life?’,” she jokes. “Later on, I kind of was taking a break from the business and was like, ‘You know what? I should get these removed’ and funnily enough, I told my mom I was thinking about it and she said, ‘You can’t do that. That’s how people know you!’ I was like, ‘Oh, well, you changed your heart!’,” she continues.

Eve Reveals the Hilarious Story Behind Her Paw Print Tattoos
Eve in August 2007. Matt Baron/BEI/Shutterstock

“There are a few tattoos that I look at that and I’m like, ‘Oh, why did I do that?’, but it tells a story of my life and if I can get them renewed and get them turned into something else I’d rather do that than get them removed,” the “Satisfaction” rapper adds.

One trend you won’t see on her: A face tattoo. “It’s not my thing. It is not for me. I will not be doing that, but at the end of the day, I don’t look down on anything. It’s your expression, it’s your body, it’s your face and everybody has the right to express themselves the way they want to.”

But do expect her to be glowing while filming The Talk on Zoom and hosting the Youth Emerging Stronger (YES) at Home Virtual Gala on Sunday, April 26 from 3 to 5 p.m. ET. 

Eve Reveals the Hilarious Story Behind Her Paw Print Tattoos
Courtesy of D.Studio Media

Her tips for looking your best through a webcam? “First of all, invest in that ring light. It is the best money that I have spent in a very long time,” she teases. “I keep my makeup super simple. I do a little foundation, concealer, color, cheeks, eyes and make sure my brows look good and my lips are popping and that’s all I can do.”

As for what we can expect at Sunday’s event: “I want to put a light on YES and I think they’re an incredible organization. … We forget that there are other people who are on the front line, so to speak, and those are the people who are working with homelessness and with mental health challenges. … I’m looking forward to celebrating the work that they do,” she shares.

“I definitely want to wear some fun stuff because it’s still a celebration. … I’m gonna try on a few things, but if one outfit is the outfit, I’m not gonna play myself and keep changing. If I find one, two or three cute things and I have time, I’ll definitely switch it up because I want people to have fun.” 

#YesAtHome will be available on the Looped mobile app and online at LoopedLive.com. The money raised during the show will go towards Youth Emerging Stronger, a California non-profit who aims to help end youth homelessness.  


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