Duck Dynasty’s Korie and Sadie Robertson: Our Family Is OK After Drive-By



Duck Dynasty alums Korie Robertson and Sadie Robertson shared a positive update after their family’s Louisiana home was hit by bullets in a drive-by shooting on Friday, April 24.

“Thank you so much for all of your prayers for our family,” Korie, 46, wrote via Instagram on Monday, April 27. “We are all safe and sound and feeling profoundly grateful for God’s protection over us! Yes, the news reports are true, we had a drive-by shooting at our home on Friday, it was scary and dangerously close, but thanks to God no one was hurt AND today we got to participate in a drive-by birthday celebration! Crazy how life works! We honked our horns and made signs. We are alive and well, and not taking this day for granted!”

She continued, “My grandmother used to read this scripture aloud every night before she went to bed, when we spent the night she would read it over us, ‘So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10
God is good! Praising him today and every day!”

Duck Dynasty Korie and Sadie Robertson Family OK After Drive By
Korie and Sadie Robertson. Courtesy of Sadie Robertson/Instagram

For her part, Sadie, 22, captioned her Instagram post, “Hi, yes the news is true if you’ve seen it. We had someone shoot at our property. Just wanted to say we are all okay,” Sadie, 22, wrote via Instagram on Sunday, April 26. “It shook us all up of course, but we are just so thankful everyone in our family is okay. Especially after one of the bullets flew through the window of my brothers home… The timing of where we were at the time was crazy protection because we had all just gone inside. We have been resting on Psalm 91 and each other’s gratitude for all being okay. Thank you for your prayers.”

Willie, Korie, Miss Kay, Jase, Phil and Si Robertson Duck Dynasty Korie and Sadie Robertson Family OK After Drive By
Willie, Korie, Miss Kay, Jase, Phil and Si Robertson. Art Streiber/A&E

Us Weekly confirmed that the incident took place at approximately 2:30 p.m. on Friday. Willie Robertson was not home at the time, but Korie and Sadie were. Willie, 48, and Korie’s son John Luke Robertson and his wife, Mary Kate McEachern, and their 18-month-old son were also home, as was Sadie’s husband, Christian Huff.

“It was broad daylight,” Willie told USA Today on Sunday, April 26. “We were pretty shook up. It looks like they were just spraying bullets across my property.”

Duck Dynasty Korie and Sadie Robertson Family OK After Drive By
Korie and Sadie Robertson Zach Dilgard/A&E

The news outlet reported on Monday that the Ouachita Parish Sheriff’s Office in Monroe, Louisiana, arrested a man named Daniel King Jr. in connection with the shooting. The 38-year-old was charged with one count of aggravated assault by drive-by shooting and one count of criminal neglect of family. His bond was set at $150,000.


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