‘Duck Dynasty’ Alum Willie Robertson’s Home Sprayed by Bullets in Drive-By



Duck Dynasty star Willie Robertson‘s Louisiana home hit by bullets in a drive-by shooting on Friday, April 24.

The incident happened at about 2:30 in the afternoon at Robertson’s West Monroe estate, where several of his family members are currently staying amid the coronavirus quarantine.

While Robertson was out at the time, his wife, Korie Robertson, and son John Luke Robertson and his wife, Mary Kate McEachern, and their 18-month-old son, John Shepherd, were at home as well as Willie’s daughter Sadie Robertson and her husband, Christian Huff.

Duck Dynasty Star Willie Robertson’s Home Sprayed by Bullets in Drive-By
Willie Robertson with daughters Bella and Sadie Courtesy Willie Robertson/Twitter

TMZ reports that eight to 10 bullets hit two residences on the property but luckily no one was injured.

“It was broad daylight,” Willie told USA Today Network on Sunday, April 26, adding that one of the shots went through a bedroom window.

“We were pretty shook up,” Willie added. “It looks like they were just spraying bullets across my property.”

He told the outlet that multiple witnesses saw a truck riding past the family’s gated property at least once before the shots were fired.

The vehicle was captured on a surveillance camera and there was more than one person in the truck, which eyewitnesses said was a white over brown or beige Ford F-250 with large tires and rims.

The driver was described as a young while male in his teens or early 20s. The Ouachita Parish Sheriff’s Office is investigating the incident and shared a photo of the vehicle on social media.

“Nobody was outside at the time but everybody had been out about five minutes before,” Willie said. “I had just gone to the store when it happened.”

The former reality TV star told USA Today that he believes the shooters knew they were targeting his home.

“I’m 100 percent certain but I don’t know why,” he said.

Days before the shooting Korie shared photos of the family celebrating Willie’s 48th birthday.

“Celebrating my favorite human @realwilliebosshog today in style!” she captioned a pic that showed the family sitting together in the back of a trailer on Wednesday, April 22. “Willie you make life good, whatever we are going through. Happy Birthday!!! Let’s grow old together!! P.S. Very thankful to have the whole fam together during this time. We all live on the same property and have been quarantined together since the beginning. We don’t take this for granted. Tried to spread a little cheer through the neighborhood today.”

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