Drew Carey is speaking out about the murder of his ex-fiancee Amie Harwick and he explained why he has forgiven the alleged murderer.
Amie tragically fell to her death from a third-floor balcony and her ex-boyfriend Gareth Pursehouse was charged with her murder.
“After Amie’s murder, I took a week off. Really, I couldn’t function and my first day back we taped the high school show for ‘Kids Week.’ It was the first show back and everybody knew what happened to me. And so, I took time during the break to talk to these kids. And I really wanted to do it because it was high school kids and I talked to them about how I forgave the guy who murdered Amie,” Drew said on The Talk on Friday (April 17). “He was mentally ill. He was abused as a kid. You have to be able to forgive people like that. I wish he never did it. I wish he never met her.”
He added, “I really try to practice instant forgiveness and unconditional love. The closest you can get to that the better you are.”
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