Dog the Bounty Hunter Engaged 10 Months After Beth Chapman’s Death



Happiness continues! Ten months after losing his wife Beth Chapman to a brutal cancer battle, Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman is engaged to girlfriend Francie Frane.

Dog, 67, arranged a candlelit proposal to ask Frane, 51, to marry him at their Colorado home. The reality star’s soon-to-be wife told The Sun U.S. that she was surprised by the romantic gesture.

“I wasn’t expecting it at all,” she explained to the publication on Monday, May 4. “I think I had gone to pick up some food and then when I came back he had all the lights turned down with just a few lights on and a bunch of candles lit. So when I came in I was like, ‘Wow, this is awesome.’ Then he said, ‘Come in, sit down because I need to talk to you.’”

Dog the Bounty Hunter Duane Chapman Engaged to Francie Frane After Beth Chapman Death Instagram
Francie Frane and Duane Chapman. Courtesy of Francie Frane/Instagram

The Colorado-based rancher continued, “So, I put all the food in the kitchen and I came in and he said, ‘I know that God brought you into my life and I don’t want to spend one moment of it without you.’ And he got down on one knee and he opened the ring box and he said, ‘Will you marry me and spend the rest of our lives together?’ Who can say no to that? It was wonderful.”

Dog told The Sun U.S. that he wants to host the “biggest wedding there’s ever been,” noting that the occasion would be “one hell of a party” that fans can also attend.

Last month, the Dog the Bounty Hunter star confirmed his new relationship with Frane. Dog’s daughter, Lyssa Chapman, gave her stamp of approval at the time by sharing a photo to Instagram of the duo holding each other close, writing, “How cute are these two ?! ❤️.”

Dog’s late wife Beth died in June 2019 in Honolulu, Hawaii, following a two-year battle with both throat and lung cancer. Beth, who was married to Dog for nearly 13 years, was placed in a medically-induced coma ahead of her passing. She was 51.

Dog the Bounty Hunter Duane Chapman Engaged to Francie Frane After Beth Chapman Death
Duane Chapman and wife Beth Chapman attend the 48th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards on April 7, 2013 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Broadimage/Shutterstock

Two months after Beth’s death, Dog told Us Weekly exclusively that he had no plans to remarry. “There will never be another Mrs. Dog,” he previously explained. “We both said, ‘If I die, you can have a man. Ten [men], I don’t care. But don’t marry one.’ … And she said, ‘Don’t take my name off your chest, Dog. Do not get married.’ … Don’t worry, I will not get married.”

Dog revealed that he would still date other women, adding, “I have to have the companionship. I don’t do single s–t.”

Dog was previously married to Tawny Marie Chapman from 1991 to 2003, Lyssa Rae Brittain from 1982 to 1991, Anne M. Tengell from 1979 to 1982 and La fonda Sue Honeycutt from 1972 to 1977.

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