DJ Khaled Stops Fan From Twerking on His Instagram Live: ‘I Got Family’



DJ Khaled Stops Fan From Twerking on His Instagram Live 2
DJ Khaled Adela Loconte/Shutterstock

Keeping it PG! DJ Khaled went viral after cutting off a woman who started twerking on his Instagram Live.

While chatting with his Instagram followers on Sunday, May 3, the Grammy winner, 44, accepted one fan’s request to appear in his livestream. However, when he saw that the woman was only wearing underwear while dancing for the camera, he was visibly taken aback.

“Oh s–t,” a wide-eyed DJ Khaled said repeatedly while holding his hands up in the air. “No, don’t do that. … It’s all love, though. I got love and everything. I’m just saying, I got family.”

As the fan started pouring water on her butt and shaking it, the music producer urged, “No, just talk to me normal! Talk to me normal. Don’t do that!”

After approximately 40 seconds passed, DJ Khaled finally removed the woman from his stream. “No, I can’t [do this],” he said.

DJ Khaled Stops Fan From Twerking on His Instagram Live
DJ Khaled Courtesy of DJ Khaled/Instagram

The awkward interaction came exactly two years to the date that the hitmaker came under fire for revealing that he does not perform oral sex on his wife, Nicole Tuck.

“I don’t do that,” he said on Power 105.1 FM’s The Breakfast Club in a 2015 interview that resurfaced in May 2018. “It’s different rules for men. You gotta understand, we the king. There’s some things that y’all might not wanna do, but it got to get done. I just can’t do what you want me to do. I just can’t.”

The musician added, “A woman should praise the man — the king. If you holding it down for your woman, I feel like the woman should praise. And a man should praise the queen. But you know, my way of praising is called … ‘How was dinner? You like the house you living in? You like all them clothes you getting? I’m taking care of your family, I’m taking care of my family.”

Evan Rachel Wood and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson were among the stars who called out DJ Khaled for his controversial stance. The Westworld star, 32, told the record executive to “grow up” on Twitter, while the Fast & Furious actor, 48, tweeted, “As a man, I take great pride in mastering ALL performances. This is probably a little TMI.”

DJ Khaled and Tuck, 44, are the parents of sons Asahd, 3, and Aalam, 3 months.

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