Disney Is Selling Face Masks Featuring Baby Yoda, Pixar Characters, & More for Charity!



Disney has created a line of face masks that are now available for pre-order and they feature designs with your favorite characters on them!

The line of non-medical, reusable cloth face masks is being sold in packs of four and Disney has announced that one million masks will be donated for children and families in underserved and vulnerable communities across the U.S.

Disney will also donate all profits from the sales in the U.S. of Disney’s cloth face masks to MedShare, up to $1 million, now through September 30.

The cloth face masks come in small, medium and large sizes and in a wide variety of prints featuring a range of fan favorite characters, including: Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, Anna and Elsa, Woody and Buzz Lightyear, The Avengers, the Child – affectionately known as Baby Yoda – and more.

The masks are available for pre-order right now at shopDisney.com and they are estimated to ship in June. Each pack of four retails for $19.99.

Click inside to see all of the different face masks you can order…

Cloth Face Mask Sizing Guide:
Measure from the bridge of the nose to the bottom of the chin. Select the largest size that your measurement falls into.

Size — Measurement
Small — 2 1/2” – 3 1/2”
Medium — 3 1/4” – 4 1/2”
Large — 4 1/4” – 6”

Star Wars Cloth Face Masks 4-Pack Set

ORDER NOW: Small | Medium | Large

Four different designs. Designs include the Child, R2-D2, allover Star Wars symbols, and Star Wars characters

PIXAR Cloth Face Masks 4-Pack Set

ORDER NOW: Small | Medium | Large

Four different designs. Designs include Forky, allover print of PIXAR characters on blue background, Mike Wazowski, and allover print of PIXAR characters on white background

Mickey and Minnie Mouse Cloth Face Masks 4-Pack Set

ORDER NOW: Small | Medium | Large

Four different designs. Designs include allover Mickey figure, allover Minnie figure, Minnie face with polka dots, and allover Mickey icons

Marvel Cloth Face Masks 4-Pack Set

ORDER NOW: Small | Medium | Large

Four different designs. Designs include allover Marvel logo, allover Black Panther symbols, allover grid with Marvel characters and symbols, and Hulk

Disney Princess and Frozen Cloth Face Masks 4-Pack Set

ORDER NOW: Small | Medium | Large

Four different designs. Designs include The Little Mermaid, Frozen, allover Disney Princess names, and allover Disney Princess figures

Disney Cloth Face Masks 4-Pack Set

ORDER NOW: Small | Medium | Large

Four different designs. Designs include Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Stitch, and Marie


Disclosure: Each product has been independently hand curated by our editorial team. Some products on this site use affiliate links and we may earn commission for any purchase made through the links.


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