Director Nancy Meyers’ Stunning Kitchen ‘Headquarters’ Will Make You Swoon



It’s art imitating life! Or is it life imitating art? Director Nancy Meyers, who is known for helming movies with stunning interior spaces, like The Intern and The Parent Trap, shared a photo of her own kitchen recently and social media followers couldn’t help but notice how much it resembles some of the kitchens they’ve seen in Meyers’ films.

The 70-year-old Hollywood heavyweight, who has directed flicks such as Something’s Gotta Give and The Holiday, posted an Instagram snapshot of her own California kitchen via Instagram on Monday, April 27. “Headquarters,” she wrote in the caption.

Just like the kitchens in many of Meyers’ films, her kitchen boasts all-white cabinetry, stone countertops and stainless-steel appliances. The light-soaked room also features a pair of islands with plenty of storage space as well as dual ovens and a massive stove.

Even celebrity chef Ina Garten was impressed, writing in the comments: “Love your headquarters!! ❤️❤️❤️.”

While the screenwriter’s followers easily came to a unanimous agreement that the locale is a “dream kitchen” they weren’t quite as unified when it was time to decide which one of Meyers’ fictional movie characters had a kitchen most like her own.

“[It has] elements of Jane’s perfect kitchen, with four walls,” wrote one Instagram user, referencing the kitchen Meryl Streep’s character had in the 2009 movie It’s Complicated.

“Beautiful kitchen!” declared another. “Looks a lot like Erica Barry’s kitchen!” As Meyers fans may know, Erica Barry is the name of Diane Keaton’s on-screen counterpart in 2003’s Something’s Gotta Give.

When a follower asked if Meyers’ kitchen was used in the film, she clarified it served as “as inspo” for Barry’s immaculate Hamptons space.

In a September 2015 interview with Vulture, Meyers admitted she doesn’t love talking about the picturesque interiors she creates because she doesn’t want it to take away from her films. However, she’s not shy about her desire to create inviting homes that say a lot about a specific character. “I like houses. You can see it from my own place. I even like paintings of interiors. If you look around my house, you’ll see there’s a lot of interior paintings,” she explained at the time. “I like to visit houses. If I go to a city I’ve not been to before, I find out, who lives here? I go to their house. I love the Dickens house. I will check out people that I admire and I’ll see where they live and, when I go to that city, I’ll drive by.”

The Home Again producer added: “I don’t know what it is. I’m not alone in being fascinated by how people live.”

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