Diplo Confirms He Welcomed Son Pace, His 1st Child With Jevon King



Baby boy! Diplo confirmed on Mother’s Day that he’d welcomed his third child, his first with Jevon King.

The DJ announced his son’s arrival as he paid tribute to his mom on Sunday, May 10. “Thanks for giving me life and helping me create it – the three strongest mothers in the world.. I’m still a work in progress but u have given three perfect beautiful boys 🤍 I love you all til the moon and back,” he captioned three photos that showed him with his mom, his two eldest sons, Lockett and Lazer, with his ex Kathryn Lockhart, and Pace with King.

The Miss Universe Trinidad and Tobago, 30, announced their little one’s arrival on March 21, with an Instagram post revealing his name, Pace.

The model debuted her baby bump in October 2019, writing, “I was so terrified of turning 30 this year! I kept looking at my life and second guessing my accomplishment[s]. I thought about my personal goals that I wanted to achieve but didn’t just yet. My mom would always tell me, ‘Everything will fall into place when the time is right.’ Boy oh boy it did! Something about feeling you growing inside me makes me feel so complete. I love you so much already. I can’t wait to hold you, smell you and be loved by you unconditionally.”

Diplo Welcomes Son Pace With Jevon King
Diplo and Jevon King. Swan Gallet/WWD/Shutterstock; Courtesy Jevon King/Instagram

Diplo, 41, whose real name is Thomas Wesley Pentz, hasn’t been able to spend time with his kids amid the coronavirus pandemic. On March 16, the Mississippi native shared a video of himself pressing his hand to a window while older kids did the same.

“My sons are too young to understand the complexities of what’s happening,” the American Music Award winner captioned the footage at the time. “But they aren’t anxious and nervous like the rest of us. They live in a house with their grandmother who is the most vulnerable. I have been in contact with hundreds of people in the past four weeks and I’m staying away from the house until I am cleared of the virus. This hurts because I miss them so much they are what makes me wake up every day and live and breath, they are my ultimate joy, but this is my sacrifice to make sure everyone around me is safe.”

Diplo went on to write, “I haven’t had this much time home in years, and I wanted to build Legos and watch movies with them. But for now I’m just going to stay by the window and listen to them play drums and sing for me. Think about others in every decision you make in the coming weeks. This isn’t A drill.”

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