Dina Lohan Says Daughter Lindsay Is Dating a ‘Wonderful’ Guy



Dina Lohan Says Daughter Lindsay Dating Wonderful Guy
Lindsay Lohan and Dina Lohan. Stephen Lovekin/Shutterstock

Good guy alert! Dina Lohan revealed whether or not she’s ready for daughter Lindsay Lohan to settle down and what type of guys she’s currently dating.

“Oh, I’m in no rush for that,” Dina, 57, told Us Weekly exclusively on April 29, when promoting her new podcast, “Listen to Me, The OG Mama D With Dina Lohan.”

Dina, however, explained that The Parent Trap actress, 33, has a person in her life currently that she approves of.

“Lindsay is dating a wonderful guy right now,” she told Us. “But that’s neither here nor there. When she’s ready to talk about her personal life, [she will].”

Dina Lohan Says Daughter Lindsay Dating Wonderful Guy
Dina Lohan. Courtesy Dina Lohan

The mother of four — she shares daughters Lindsay and Aliana, 23, and sons Michael, 32, and Dakota, 23, with ex-husband Michael Lohan — has learned to “respect” her kids’ privacy with relationships as they’ve grown up.

“In the past, I always had to protect [Lindsay] and [people] were like, ‘She’s an enabler,’” she recalled of her involvement with her daughter’s dating life. “I’m like, ‘No, people. Behind closed doors, I reprimand.’ I just felt it had to come from my daughter’s words and her heart and soul about her journey, which she has since that time.”

She added: “So that’s where I stay in my lane as a mom and I’m there to comfort and discipline and share my thoughts, but they’re older now.”

When it comes to her dynamic with all her children, Dina tries to remain close no matter where they live.

“Being a single mom, we’re very close, so they come to me,” she said. “I talk to my children numerous times a day, FaceTime and whatnot.”

As listeners will learn through her podcast, Dina is sought out for her advice from family and friends, including her cohost, former Princess of Long Island star Chanel Omari.

“Dina and I go way back,” Omari told Us exclusively, noting she was hired to be Lindsay’s assistant and eventually became Dina’s right hand. “We’ve always had a very strong friendship and we always came to Dina for advice.”

She explained that growing up, she would come to Lindsay’s house and ask, “What would Mama D do?” That memory and Dina’s appearance on the “Chanel in the City” podcast gave life to the duo’s new joint venture.

“I wouldn’t be where I was with the success I made, if it weren’t for [the Lohans] and so I thought it was full circle that we should start a podcast together, because Dina has three decades of wisdom and she’s had experience in every single topic you can name,” Omari revealed.

She added: “I think a lot of people want to know what she has to say because she’s the original momager, you know. Dina has paved the way for [many] and she created one of the biggest superstars in the world.”

Follow Dina and Omari’s personal Instagram accounts for updates about the podcast’s official launch date.

With reporting by Carly Sloane

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