Dina and Michael Lohan Have ‘Come to a Very Good Place’ Coparenting 4 Kids



Working as a team! Dina Lohan dished about her coparenting relationship with her ex-husband, Michael Lohan, to Us Weekly exclusively.

“We’ve come to a very good place,” the Living Lohan alum, 57, told Us on Wednesday, April 29, while promoting her podcast “Listen to Me, The OG Mama D With Dina Lohan and Chanel Omari” podcast, focusing on pop culture, managing children in Hollywood, mental health, setting the record straight and more. “My children are older. When they were younger, I had sole custody and whatnot, but they’re older now and need a relationship with both parents because that’s important.”

Dina Lohan Says She Ex-Husband Michael Lohan Have Come to a Very Good Place Coparenting
Dina Lohan and Michael Lohan. Shutterstock (2)

The former reality star, who shares actress Lindsay Lohan with the former trader, 60, as well as Michael, 32, Aliana, 26, and Cody, 23, went on to tell Us, “My girls are going to marry a man and they’re going to look to their dad or their grandparents to fulfill that hole or need, so I think it’s very important.”

Dina Lohan Says She Ex-Husband Michael Lohan Have Come to a Very Good Place Coparenting
Dina Lohan and Chanel Omari. Geoffrey Nurse

The former couple tied the knot in 1985 and split nearly two decades years later. Dina has since moved on with Jesse Nadler and they are “still going strong,” she told Us on Wednesday.

She added, “We were friends at first and it just grew into this amazing relationship. We’re planning on … wedding bells, it’s pretty wild. Aliana said that he’s my soulmate. She’s spoken to him at great lengths.”

Now that the Celebrity Big Brother alum is “empty nesting, downsizing and moving out to the Hamptons,” quarantining amid the coronavirus pandemic has hit her mental health “hard.”

“I think the things that I buried to stay strong to raise my children started coming to the forefront and I was able to now clear my head,” the Dina Lohan: My Journey author explained to Us. “It hits you, and this is the honest to God’s truth for my experience, it hits you from behind. You don’t even know why.”

As for the former Princesses of Long Island star, Omari has learned from Dina to maintain “healthy, balanced lifestyle” by learning to forgive herself and others.

Dina Lohan Says She Ex-Husband Michael Lohan Have Come to a Very Good Place Coparenting
Dina Lohan. Courtesy Dina Lohan

“Everyone’s gonna have an opinion and sometimes forgiveness is the first step to healing,” the “Chanel in the City” podcast host shared with Us.

For updates about Dina and Omari’s podcast and the official launch date, follow the stars’ social media accounts.

With reporting by Carly Sloane

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