Couple Goals! Sophie Turner Gives Joe Jonas a Glamorous Makeover




Sophie Turner Does Joe Jonas Makeup
Joe Jonas. Courtesy Sophie Turner/Instagram

Couple goals! While quarantining at home during the coronavirus outbreak, Sophie Turner came up with the perfect at-home activity to stay busy. While her husband Joe Jonas played video games, the 24-year-old gave him a makeover.

The Game of Thrones actress took to her Instagram Story on Thursday, April 9, to post a photo of her husband looking, well, more glammed up than usual. He’s photographed wearing a video game headset sporting bold purple eyeshadow, perfectly groomed brows, mascara and highlighter.

As a text overlay on the photo she wrote, “He finally let me do his makeup.”

Sophie Turner Does Joe Jonas Makeup
Joe Jonas. Courtesy Sophie Turner/Instagram

For the DIY photoshoot, Jonas stared into the camera like a top model, showing off his wife’s seriously impressive makeup skills. It even looks like the JoBro could be wearing foundation in the pic, his skin looks that perfect. Or, perhaps the 30-year-old just has a crazy-good skincare routine he’s been keeping top-secret!

In a second photo posted to the blonde beauty’s Instagram Story, she revealed her hubby’s glowy highlight above his cheekbone. To complement the makeup look, he wore a black hoodie and a Balenciaga baseball cap.

The couple appears to be making the most of their time together at home while self-isolating. At the end of March, they indulged in a glorious carb-filled meal for two that was the definition of “perfect date night.”

To share the experience Turner snapped a photo of Jonas holding the big bowl of bowtie pasta and captioned the pic, “One of the many benefits of marrying a good Italian boy… @joejonas 😍🍝🌹 Also please may I have my hat back.”

Us Weekly confirmed in February that Turner is expecting her first child and her due date is “in the middle of summer.”

“They’re enjoying the newness of being married and being able to call each other ‘husband’ and ‘wife,’” a source told Us exclusively at the time. “They’re just super happy.”

Turner and Jonas tied the knot in a spontaneous ceremony in Las Vegas after the Billboard Music Festival last May. For the nuptials, the power couple exchanged ring pops instead of wedding rings. They also had a formal ceremony in Sarrians, France a month later, before enjoying their romantic honeymoon in the Maldives.

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