Chris Pratt Crashes Katherine Schwarzenegger’s Baking Tutorial



Husband-approved! Chris Pratt heaped praise on wife Katherine Schwarzenegger‘s banana bread recently as she was in the middle of another baking tutorial on Instagram.

The adorable interaction, which took place on Sunday, April 19, began with Schwarzenegger, 30, showing off her tasty confection. She then proceeded to bake another treat — strawberry shortcake — while Pratt, 40, golfed a few feet away from her.

“While I do this video, I’ll preface this by saying that my husband will be playing golf in the background,” Schwarzenegger said with a chuckle as Pratt sounded off, “Wait! Show me, it’ll be good luck,” he said, asking his wife to turn the camera around.

Chris Pratt Praises Katherine Schwarzenegger Banana Bread
Katherine Schwarzenegger and Chris Pratt Courtesy of Katherine Schwarzenegger/Instagram

“I just set it up,” the California native replied, reluctant to move her phone from its perch.

While putting together the dry ingredients for her strawberry shortcake, the “Dog That Changed Me” podcast host started laughing as Pratt began yelling about his golf game in the background. “Oh yeah! Get over that drive!” he exclaimed. “Oh my God, that was so fun.”

Minutes later, the Parks and Recreation alum walked over to where Schwarzenegger was filming and lauded her baking skills as he helped himself to a slice of her banana bread, which she made earlier that day. “I’m here to attest that Katherine’s banana bread [is] truly remarkable,” he declared. “I love it.”

The Guardians of the Galaxy star added: “I got a little giddy inside when she said both of those loaves were for us.”

Additionally, Pratt is so fond of his wife’s creation, which uses a recipe from Sweet Laurel: Cake, Coffee + Tea in Pacific Palisades, California, that he predicted it won’t last very long in their house. As he said of the two banana bread loaves: “They’ll be gone in … less than a day.”

This interaction marks a bit of a change for Pratt, who previously poked fun at his wife’s cooking skills (or lack thereof) on social media. In October 2019, the Rock What You Got author burnt a Bagel Bite beyond recognition and Pratt had a little fun with the incident on Instagram.

Chris Pratt Praises Katherine Schwarzenegger Banana Bread Endgame
Katherine Schwarzenegger and Chris Pratt attend the premiere of ‘Avengers: Endgame’ at LA Convention Center on April 22, 2019 in Los Angeles, California. Rob Latour/Shutterstock

“Proud of my darling for trying to cook tonight. Did it go well? No. No it did not. Not at all. To quote Rocky Balboa, ‘It’s not how many times you get knocked down, it’s how many times you get up … and keep moving forward,’” he captioned a photo of the charred snack. “As you can tell from the lump of coal in the center of the plate, this bagel bite never stood a chance. I honestly simply cannot imagine what went wrong here. Pretty simple. Microwave. 2 minutes. Maybe she thought it said 2 hours. But I want to commend her for her effort. This is a big step babe. Proud of you.”

Schwarzenegger took the playful dig in stride at the time, replying, “Looks like my plan to just have you do the cooking is working out very well.”

Still, despite her recent baking successes, Schwarzenegger joked on Sunday that “the oven will always keep you humble” after she burnt a batch of croutons she was making. “I successfully made banana bread today, and strawberry shortcake, and I got really cocky and decided to make croutons for a salad tonight. Why not?” she explained via her Instagram Stories, showing off the burnt bread bits. “And then the fire alarm went off.”

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