Chris Lane Reveals How Many Kids He and Lauren Bushnell Want



Looking ahead! Chris Lane and Lauren Bushnell want to start a family together but don’t “have a plan” yet.

“When it happens, it happens,” the country singer, 35, told Us Weekly exclusively on Monday, May 4, while promoting Schick Hydro’s #ShaveFromHome campaign. “I don’t really know. … We don’t know if we’re completely ready for that yet, but we’re also not not going to try either. When it does [happen], it’ll be the right time.”

While the North Carolina native would be fine stopping “at two,” he thinks Bushnell, 30, will want a bigger brood.

Chris Lane Reveals How Many Kids He and Lauren Bushnell Want
Chris Lane and Lauren Bushnell arrive at 67th Annual BMI Country Awards ceremony at BMI Music Row offices on November 12, 2019 in Nashville, Tennessee. Al Wagner/Invision/AP/Shutterstock

“Lauren grew up with three other siblings,” the “Take Back Home” singer told Us. “She probably wants a lot from what I’ve heard.”

The Bachelor alum is “going to make a really great mom,” Lane gushed, “judging from how she treats our dog, [Cooper], as if it’s a human being.” He added, “I tell her that all the time. Our dog is the most spoiled animal on planet earth. The way she treats him it’s like, I’m kind of wishing we wouldn’t have got the dog now, he gets all the attention.”

The couple started dating in 2018 and tied the knot the following year in Nashville. The coronavirus pandemic has brought them “closer” as they quarantine together, the former Chris Lane Band frontman told Us exclusively in March.

Chris Lane Reveals How Many Kids He and Lauren Bushnell Want
Chris Lane and Lauren Bushnell arrive at the CMT Music Awards on June 5, 2019 at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee. Sanford Myers/AP/Shutterstock

“[We’ve been] taking our dog on really long walks and [having] Bible studies every day,” Lane told Us at the time of their social distancing activities. “We’ve created a home gym so we can still get a workout in. FaceTiming with friends and family, watching movies — I made Lauren watch The Shawshank Redemption for the first time and she loved it. [We’re] bingeing new TV shows, [playing] card games such as Crazy 8’s, ping pong matches and playing pool.”

While hanging at home with his wife, Lane participated in Schick Hydro’s #ShaveFromHome campaign where he shaved his beard and encouraged Schick users to donate to the National Association of Barbers via GoFundMe. One-hundred percent of donations will go to out-of-work barbers across the country.

With reporting by Kayley Stumpe

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