Chris Hemsworth Tries to Quiet Son During Interview, He Crashes Instead



Working from home is no joke! Chris Hemsworth became like every other parent in quarantine when his 6-year-old son Tristan crashed his interview in hilarious fashion.

The moment began innocently enough with the actor, 36, trying to shush his son while he played off-camera. “My kid’s in the background,” he admitted during his Wednesday, April 15, video chat with Triple M’s Hot Breakfast.

Hemsworth laughed until Tristan joined him on-camera. The little one seemed unentertained, so he quickly exited.

Chris Hemsworth Comic-Con Son Crash Interview
Chris Hemsworth participates during a Q&A panel on day three at the Ace Comic-Con at the Donald E Stephens Convention Center on October 13, 2019 in Rosemont, Illinois. Rob Grabowski/Invision/AP/Shutterstock

The Thor star continued looking off; then interviewer Luke Darcy jokingly called him out for not being able to “keep his kids under control” amid the circumstances. “He’s looking at me, right?” he explained. “At the moment I’m giving him a little sort of ‘shh, shh’ — one of these ones — [he’s] doing more and more somersaults. He’s getting a little louder.”

Hemsworth attempted to carry on with the conversation but had to pause again after Tristan started throwing pillows, nearly knocking over his computer.

The Avengers: Endgame actor shares daughter India, 7, as well as 6-year-old twin sons Tristan and Sasha with wife Elsa Pataky, whom he married in December 2010.

Chris Hemsworth, Elsa Pataky Son Crash Interview
Chris Hemsworth, Elsa Pataky attend the World Premiere ‘Men In Black: International’, on June 11, 2019 in New York City. Dave Allocca/Starpix/Shutterstock

Hemsworth is quarantined with his family in his native Australia. Despite the conditions, he has found the silver lining in having quality time he has long wanted with the actress, 43, and their children.

“For so many years, kind of having schedules laid out in front of you. You know, I’d know exactly what I was doing most days for the next six to 12 months, and you try to find little holes in the schedule or pockets where you’re like, ‘OK, I’m gonna switch the phone off for this two weeks and have time at home and not travel this month or whatever,’” he said. “And then something would come up and then you’d be pulled in another direction, and so to have that, as you say, sort of forced upon you in a way, to find a positive out of that, I’m enjoying this sort of being in the moment.”

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