Chris Harrison Says Peter Weber Was a ‘Mess Coming Down the Stretch’



The prickly rose! Chris Harrison revealed which Bachelor Nation leads have caused him the most frustration — and what it was like to watch Peter Weber’s journey unfold.

While appearing on The Kelly Clarkson Show, virtually, on Thursday, May 7, Harrison, 48, admitted that many of the ABC series’ stars have made him want to scream over the years.

“Gosh, I don’t know if there’s anyone on the show that I haven’t wanted to do that,” the Texas native told Kelly Clarkson.

Chris Harrison Admits Peter Weber Was a Mess
Chris Harrison The Kelly Clarkson Show/YouTube

As fans watched Weber, 28, come undone at the end of season 24 of The Bachelor, earlier this year, Harrison was equally as concerned over the pilot’s explosive finale.

“I mean, even this last season with Peter, I wanted to just grab him by the shirt collar and be like, ‘Come on, man. Pull it together,’” the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire host revealed. “Because he was a mess coming down the stretch.”

Weber wasn’t the only person looking for love on the ABC series to push Harrison’s buttons.

Colton [Underwood], obviously, jumping the fence and running away from me in the Portuguese countryside,” the TV personality continued. “So, yeah, and even Hannah [Brown] and I had our moments.”

Chris Harrison Admits Peter Weber Was a Mess
Chris Harrison and Peter Weber on Part 1 of the Season Finale of ‘The Bachelor.’ ABC/John Fleenor

He added: “So, I think probably with every Bachelor and Bachelorette, there is that moment where they want to scream at me — and sometimes they do — and then I want to yell at them.”

The Bachelor in Paradise host reassured Clarkson, 38, that he has nothing but love for all of the individuals he guides each season.

“Honestly, I do get involved in these people’s lives and I do care about them,” Harrison explained. “I think when you do love people, it’s not that you abuse them, that’s not love, but I think you do have those heated moments where you’re really telling your truth.”

Harrison revealed to Us Weekly exclusively in January that there was one Bachelor star, however, that he didn’t really click with.

Chris Harrison Admits Peter Weber Was a Mess
Chris Harrison and Peter Weber on January 8, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. Broadimage/Shutterstock

“Really, the only one I think I had a hard time getting along with was Charlie O’Connell back in the day,” the father of two told Us.

He added: “We didn’t dislike each other at all. It just didn’t blend. That’s bound to happen after 18 [years] and dozens of people. You get along with some better than others.”

O’Connell, who is brother of actor Jerry O’Connell, was the lead on season 7 of the series in 2015. While he did find love initially with Sarah Brice, the two split in 2010.

Listen on Spotify to Here For the Right Reasons to get inside scoop about the Bachelor franchise and exclusive interviews from contestants.


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