Chris Cuomo’s Wife Cristina Defends Taking ‘Clorox Baths’ After Backlash



Sticking to her guns. Chris Cuomo‘s wife, Cristina Cuomo, defended herself against backlash from people online after writing an in-depth blog post about her holistic treatments for the coronavirus.

Shortly after revealing that her 14-year-old son, Mario, had also been diagnosed with the virus, Cristina, 50, reflected on the healing process in a blog for The Purist, which she founded in 2017. Cristina tested positive for the novel coronavirus earlier this month and has remained committed to using natural remedies during her road to recovery.

Chris Cuomo Wife Cristina Defends Taking Clorox Baths After Backlash
Cristina Cuomo. Andrew Morales/WWD/Shutterstock

“I am aware that what I am about to talk about are remedies for people who are already in a privileged situation — we have a roof over our head, enough food to eat and clean drinking water, and not everyone has that,” Cristina wrote in an amended blog post after receiving negative comments. “Many of the treatments that I relied on are actually cheaper than conventional medicine, like the broth of cayenne pepper, ginger and garlic or the lemon and ginger tea or vitamin C.”

The New York native insisted that homeopathic treatment is about “strengthening the immune system” and helping a person’s body “manage the symptoms” in a different way than through traditional medicine. “Once you commit to managing this lifestyle, it’s actually the easiest and least expensive way to manage health,” she wrote. “Sharing new knowledge is not elitist, it’s revolutionary.”

Cristina sought alternative medicines because “there is no proven treatment for COVID-19,” and admitted that natural remedies shouldn’t be used “without consulting a doctor or naturopath.” She then outlined the specific treatments she used, including different vitamins, herbs and minerals, and a “bleach bath,” recommended by professionals from the Mayo Clinic.

Chris Cuomo Wife Cristina Defends Taking Clorox Baths After Backlash
Chris Cuomo and wife Cristina Cuomo. Dave Allocca/Starpix/Shutterstock

“These doctors recommend in a bathtub filled with 80 gallons of water to add 2 ounces of sodium hypochlorite in the form of Clorox, as a type of homeopathic bath,” Cristina wrote, adding that her doctor says “there is no danger” in doing this detox treatment.

Despite the rampant backlash she faced for claiming that sitting in a tub of Clorox was a healthy alternative to medical treatment, Cristina stood her ground.

“We are all trying to find tools to help beat this. The fact is, there are no standardized treatments for this virus,” she said. “My hope is to share information and alternatives that many might not have access to and are interested in hearing about. Access to healthcare and medicine is not a privilege, it is a human right. Regardless of accessibility, I wanted to give my immune system a fighting chance.”

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