Camille Kostek: Quarantine Has Brought Me and Rob Gronkowski Closer



A blessing in disguise. Camille Kostek and her boyfriend, Rob Gronkowski, have used the coronavirus quarantine to strengthen their relationship as a couple.

“It has definitely brought us closer and we’ve learned a lot about each other and it’s been pretty cool,” the model, 28, exclusively told Us Weekly on Monday, April 27, after hosting the Bud Light Seltzer Drafter Party, the NFL’s first virtual afterparty.

The downtime has encouraged her and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers football player, 30, to try different hobbies that they didn’t have time to explore before the pandemic, including playing crossword puzzles and cooking.

Camille Kostek Says Quarantine Has Brought Her and Rob Gronkowski Closer
Rob Gronkowski and Camille Kostek Chelsea Lauren/Shutterstock

The couple have also enjoyed learning TikTok dances together — a craze that has taken social media by storm amid the quarantine. Kostek explained that Gronkowski takes the routines seriously because he finds them stimulating.

“Sometimes he’ll even come to me and be, like, ‘I’m in the mood to learn a new TikTok dance, I want to kind of test my brain, I want to practice my rhythm,’” the Connecticut native said. “And I’m like, ‘Alright, these are a couple I’ve had saved, let’s go through them.’ So it’s really funny how it works. He’s super willing and sometimes comes to me about wanting for me to teach him one.”

However, there’s one activity the duo won’t be adding to their quarantine routine — bingeing Netflix.

“We are not one of those people that are just kinda sitting on Netflix and going through,” she said. “We haven’t even cracked into our Netflix yet, and we’re going on week five or so. So we’re just really taking the time to kind of go inward and take some time for self-care.”

The twosome — who began dating in 2014 — have been by each other’s side through plenty of challenges over the years. And what they’ve deal with makes it easy for Kostek to picture them walking down the aisle one day.

“I’ve been through the injuries, kind of like the sickness and health situation on both ends and, yeah, he’s my best friend so I wouldn’t mind being his partner for life. I mean, I kind of already feel like that’s what we are,” she said.

With reporting by Kayley Stumpe

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