Brooks Laich: I Have a Low Sex Drive While Quarantined Away From Julianne



On the back burner. Brooks Laich hasn’t craved sexual intimacy since he’s been away from his wife, Julianne Hough, amid the coronavirus quarantine.

“I’m in Idaho, my wife is in L.A., so not much of that [sex] going on here,” the hockey player, 36, said on the Wednesday, April 29, episode of his “How Men Think” podcast. “I would probably lose my sex drive when stress ramps up, that’s just what I feel in this situation.”

Laich added that his self-isolation routine includes getting up early to work on his property all day, which leaves him exhausted and uninterested in sex.

Brooks Laich Says He Has a Low Sex Drive While Quarantined Away From Wife Julianne Hough
Brooks Laich and Julianne Hough attend Steven Tyler’s Grammy Awards viewing party on February 10, 2019. River/MEGA

“It’s all Idaho bush, I’m cutting down trees, clearing brush. After that, I took supper and I make a fire and then I’m wiped out, I really don’t have a sexual charge, I’m so wiped out,” he explained. “During this quarantine time, I’m not in the proximity to my wife. I’m not in the same room with her, and with what I’m doing here, that my sex drive wouldn’t be at its peak.”

Hough, 31, has been self-isolating in Los Angeles, where she was spotted hanging out with actor Ben Barnes on April 16.

The former Dancing With the Stars judge admitted that she has been enjoying “this time to stop and pause” after being on tour for three months.

“I’ve been on my own. My husband is in Idaho doing lots of yard work … and so we’re kind of doing our separate things right now. But it’s really been a magical time,” she told O, The Oprah Magazine on April 22.

A source told Us Weekly earlier this month that the couple — who wed in 2017 — are “not doing well” in their marriage. Laich and Hough’s marital issues first came to light in January when Us broke the news that the pair were going through “a rough patch.” Hough was also spotted without her wedding ring on multiple occasions.

Despite their ups and downs, Laich credited the Grease: Live star with helping him to explore his sexuality in a March episode of his “How Men Think” podcast.

“I’ve been exposed to a beautiful new side of life that I’d never explored or thought to explore,” Laich said at the time. “It’s amazing.”

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