Brooks Laich Explains Why He’s Isolating in Idaho, Away From Wife Julianne Hough



Brooks Laich is explaining why he is quarantining in Idaho.

The 36-year-old former NHL player is currently at his property, which he owns with wife Julianne Hough, while she is quarantining separately in Los Angeles. He brought his husky, Koda.

Koda is awesome, man. I’m up in Idaho, I’m at my house in Idaho. I spend all day outside. I’m outside from like, 7:30 until 5 o’clock. I have 10-and-a-half acres here. Our property’s pretty big and I’ve just been doing a mass cleaning of it. Like, everything. Building some rock walls, chainsawing down some trees, clearing brush, you name it,” Brooks said on his iHeartRadio podcast, How Men Think, about how he took this opportunity to take care of his property.

“I’m about 15 minutes out of town. I have one neighbor that lives a couple hundred yards away, and then another neighbor that lives another couple hundred yards away, and that’s all that’s out here,” he added. “I see them when they walk their dogs a little bit, but don’t see them much. We’re practicing social distancing, but I’ve been good with the isolation.”

“I think I’m an introvert by nature, I love having my dog — if it wasn’t for my dog, I’d probably be a little more antsy with the isolation,” he continued. “I bought this place in 2014, and I’ve never spent enough time here. I come here like, a week a year and it’s my dream property. So I wanted to spend more time here.”

“The place needed an overhaul,” he continued. “It really needed a cleaning — a landscaping and a cleaning. It got overgrown, it’s kind of in the bush. … So I’ve really been able to manicure it and landscape it. And … with my dog, we have a yard in L.A. and we go for trail runs and stuff, but here he’s outside all day long.”

“I can fish any day,” Brooks continued. “And I have a buddy that I can go hunting with. … So there’s lots to do. And I just love being up here. I’ve never spent enough time here, so I’m doing okay with it. But I’ve always been that way, even when I was younger. When I was a young kid, I didn’t need to be around friends all the time. I liked it, I had great friends, I still have great friends to this day, but there’s a part of me that enjoys isolation and there’s a part of me that actually gets drained when I’m around too many people.”

He also added that he does “miss the friendships and companionships where you do get to hug somebody and be in the same room.”

If you missed it, Julianne was actually photographed with another male celeb during the quarantine.


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