Brielle Biermann Shares ‘the Best’ Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe



Sweet treats! Brielle Biermann may not be much of a cook, but she does have an awesome chocolate chip cookie recipe that she just shared with the world.

The Don’t Be Tardy star, 23, took to her Instagram on Monday, April 13, to reveal that she had a food-related surprise up her sleeve. She posted a brief clip of herself sitting in her car “right before sh-t hit the fan” and noted in the caption, “I also have the best cookie recipe ever on my story rn!!”

The Bravo personality added: “Thank me later 🍪.”

Brielle Biermann Shares Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe p
Brielle Biermann’s cookies Courtesy of Brielle Biermann/Instagram

True to her word, Biermann did, in fact, dispense her culinary wisdom via her Instagram Stories and shared a simple (but seemingly very tasty) chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Though the reality star didn’t utter a word throughout the baking tutorial, she did provide ingredients and written recipe instructions so her followers could make these cookies themselves.

Biermann began by pouring a half cup of granulated sugar into a bowl and added brown sugar, salt and some melted butter. She then whisked the mixture until it was smooth and tossed in an egg and some vanilla extract before whisking again.

Next, the KAB Cosmetics cocreator sifted in some flour and baking soda with some help from her “sous chef” and Top Chef alum Tracey Bloom, who works as a cook for the Biermann clan.

When it comes to chocolate, Biermann is a fan of “chunks” (not chips) so she chopped large bars of both milk and dark chocolate into small pieces and folded them into her dough.

One of the secrets to Biermann’s recipe, it seems, is that she then lets the dough chill in the refrigerator before molding into little balls and baking it for 12-15 minutes.

Once the cookies came out of the oven, the Atlanta native praised them for being “soft and gooooey.”

Brielle Biermann Shares Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe p
Brielle Biermann Rick Diamond/Rolling Stone/Shutterstock

Like many people, it seems Biermann has had to alter her diet while being quarantined amid the coronavirus pandemic. Last month, she revealed that she intermittent fasts with Chick-fil-A, her favorite restaurant chain, telling a fan: “I go to [Chick-fil-A] there EVERYDAY (except Sunday) around 3 for my breakfast/lunch. I only eat between 3-8 everyday!”

Additionally, the star opened up about longing for Chick-fil-A in an Instagram selfie from Sunday, April 12. “I was in the chickfila drive thru here … good days,” she captioned the snap. “Miss those days.”

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