Brie Bella: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me!



Brie Bella WWE 20th Anniversary 25 Things
Brie Bella attends the WWE 20th Anniversary Celebration at Staples Center on October 4, 2019 in Los Angeles, California. MediaPunch/Shutterstock

Brie Bella opened up exclusively to Us Weekly about 25 things you might not know about her — including her love for history, her favorite hobbies and what she does on her spare time to relax. Read on to learn more about E!’s Total Bellas star.

1. I can never say no to doughnuts. They own me.

2. I love indie films.

3. I always have black licorice in my pantry.

4. I make lists for everything — for the grocery store, errands and what I need to do in a day.

5. I’m a clean freak! Clean house, clear mind.

6. I love history, especially the 18th and 19th centuries. When I traveled globally with WWE, I’d always wake up extra early to explore. I’d see every castle, monument and museum I could.

7. I prefer lakes over oceans. I’ll swim, kayak and boat in a lake all day long, but never in an ocean.

8. I think [that’s] because I’m absolutely terrified of sharks.

9. I text with my grandmother every day. She’s gotten really good at [using] emojis!

10. I love shopping for pajamas. Since becoming a mom, I live in them.

11. [My husband], Bryan [Danielson], and I had our first date at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston. We had to leave early to get to Monday Night Raw, but one of our couple goals is to go back.

12. Every birthday and wedding anniversary, Bryan gets me a nature-inspired piece of jewelry.

13. I want to raise my kids in Napa Valley, California. I hope to call it home soon.

14. I love to paint even though I’m not good at it. I wish I were a modern-day Picasso.

Brie Bella and Nikki Bella Fox Upfront 25 Things
Brie Bella and Nikki Bella attend the Fox Upfront Presentation at Central Park’s Wollman Rink on May 13, 2019 in New York City. Erik Pendzich/Shutterstock

15. I named my late dog Josie because I always wanted to name my daughter Josephine, but Bryan’s one request in our marriage is that all of our names start with B, like his family.

16. I can’t stand TikTok, maybe because I can’t dance, but it’s extremely overwhelming.

17. I could live off burritos! Put all my food into a tortilla with hot sauce and I’m a happy camper.

18. I love making up songs to sing to [my 3-year-old daughter], Birdie.

19. Birdie’s middle name, Joe, is after my grandfather, Joseph Colace, who was like a father to me.

20. I have only 15 pieces of makeup. If I’m home, I’m rarely in glam.

21. I wanted to be a musician. My parents felt my athletic ability was better than my guitar playing. It’s still on my bucket list to learn!

22. George Strait is my go-to for country music.

23. When I’m going through a stressful or hard time, I have to write my feelings down. It helps me heal.

24. I’m obsessed with decorating. I like to bring out my inner Joanna Gaines. I love earth tones.

25. Birdiebee, my lifestyle brand [with my twin sister, Nikki Bella], was a concept we came up with over wine while on a flight. We knew one day we’d step out of the ring and become entrepreneurs.

Brie and Nikki’s memoir, Incomparable, is out now.

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