Beau Clark Responds After ‘Pump Rules’ Fans Tell Him to ‘Run’ From Stassi



Beau Clark Responds After Pump Rules Fans Tell Him Run From Stassi
Beau Clark and Stassi Schroeder. Shutterstock; AFF-USA/Shutterstock

’Twas the night before Beau Clark proposed to Stassi Schroeder — and it wasn’t pretty. After Vanderpump Rules viewers watched the couple fight on the Tuesday, April 21, episode of the Bravo hit, Twitter users told the reality TV personality’s partner to make a run for it.

“All these ppl tweeting at Beau to ‘run’ like he wasn’t aware I was psycho before now,” the 31-year-old Next Level Basic author tweeted during Tuesday’s episode alongside a GIF of Ryan Gosling laughing.

Beau, 40, replied, “My new drinking game. Every time someone tweets me RUN, I drink.”

The commercial casting agent then admitted he was irritated by the comments.

“OK I’m drunk. I’m annoyed. You don’t know me,” Beau tweeted. “I’m happy in my relationship! I can psychoanalyze myself without your DM’s or comments. I still have my balls ass wads! (I love that word – ass wads).”

Stassi and Beau went at it during Tuesday’s episode after she accused him of taking Kristen Doute’s side during their falling out.

“Do you want to go run after her? Are you that upset about your friendship ending?” the “Straight Up With Stassi” podcast host asked Beau, who met Stassi through Kristen. “What is this? I am shook. What the f–k, why are you so upset about her? You keep choosing Kristen!”

Beau fired back, “You don’t choose who my friends are Stassi.”

After she accused him of “holding onto something f–king weird,” Stassi stormed out of her Witches of WeHo party.

“You can go home to Kristen or you can go home to me,” she screamed. “I feel so embarrassed and so weird and I can’t believe you’re doing this to me right now. I am upset and you refuse to look at me! I am your f–king person, am I not? Am I not? Beau, am I not?”

The twosome’s argument went down the day before Beau was set to propose to Stassi.

“I’m supposed to f–king propose to her tomorrow,” a stunned Beau told Katie Maloney before the episode ended.

Despite the blowup, fans know Beau got down on one knee at Hollywood Forever cemetery on July 31, 2019. While the duo are hoping to wed in Rome in October, it’s unclear if the coronavirus outbreak will force them to postpone their nuptials.

Vanderpump Rules airs on Bravo Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET.

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