‘Bachelor in Paradise’ Exes Kendall Long and Joe Amabile Reunite for Sushi



Back on? Kendall Long and Joe Amabile reunited on Sunday, May 3, more than three months after their split.

The Bachelor in Paradise exes shared similar photos of sushi on Sunday via Instagram Stories. While 33-year-old grocery store owner deleted his post — seemingly after fans discovered that they were together — he later sent Long, 28, money for the meal via Venmo.

Kendall Long and Joe Amabile Reunite for Sushi Bachelor in Paradise
Courtesy of Bachelor Tea Spill/Instagram

The charge, which was labeled “Sushi,” not only caught the attention of BachelorTeaSpill on Instagram, but also of Dancing With the Stars pro Sasha Farber.

“Which sushi place?” Farber replied to the transaction on the mobile payment service.


While the pair didn’t reply, it appears Amabile traveled to Los Angeles to see Long. The Chicago native and the “Down to Date” podcast host called it quits in January after disagreeing about where they wanted to live.

“We have decided mutually to go our separate ways. Joe has made the decision to move back to Chicago while Kendall will be remaining in her hometown of Los Angeles,” the duo said in a statement at the time. “Our family and friends have always been an extremely important element to who we are as people. We can’t imagine continuing our lives without them closer, especially when thinking of starting a family of our own one day. We both respect each others’ decision and still have a great deal of love for each other. We appreciate all the love and support everyone has given us throughout our relationship.”

Amabile and Long met on season 5 of Bachelor in Paradise, which taped during the summer of 2018. The Bachelor alum has been open about the split in recent months, admitting she thought she would marry the DWTS alum.

“I did not see it coming. Every relationship has issues but I feel like — with Joe and I — we were best friends. Everything was fun, we were getting a dog together. We had just moved in … Ultimately what happened was that Joe felt like he would have a better [life] in Chicago,” Long said in February. “In no way can I ever be upset with him and have [resentment] toward him changing his mind and choosing to move because I understand the stresses of living somewhere like L.A. away from your family. That was also a huge reason why I didn’t see myself moving from L.A. at least at that point in my life.”

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