At-Home Haircut Gone Wrong! Anderson Cooper Gives Himself ‘Giant Bald Spot’



Anderson Cooper Quarantine Hair
Anderson Cooper. Stephen Lovekin/Shutterstock

A DIY ‘do gone wrong! CNN anchor Anderson Cooper attempted to give himself an at-home haircut during the COVID-19 outbreak, but he accidentally created a giant bald spot in the process.

During a CNN segment on Thursday, April 16, the 52-year-old journalist spoke to the outlet’s chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, about COVID-19. The doctor gave an informative demonstration of how to effectively clean surfaces using just soap and water (rather than disinfectant) during the pandemic.

The 60 Minutes correspondent was grateful for the helpful tutorial but he requested one more demonstration from the medical professional: how to cut one’s hair at home.

“Sanjay, next week, I’m hoping you make a tutorial about how to give yourself a haircut,” Cooper told the neurosurgeon.

“Last night, I took a razor and buzzed my head and I gave myself a giant bald spot over here,” he continued, directing viewers to the bald spot on the left side of his head.

He also admitted that he’s been walking around all day with his hand over the bald spot, trying to hide the hair mishap from the world.

‘I hope that grows back Anderson, I think it will,” the doctor reassured Cooper. The healthcare professional didn’t promise him an at-home haircut tutorial, which isn’t surprising since his skills are in medicine, not hair.

Cooper and Sanjay were also joined by Chris Cuomo, who’s been quarantined at home after revealing his positive coronavirus diagnosis on March 31.

‘Anderson, now you will make that popular,’ Cuomo teased. ‘And I would probably shave a hole in the side of my hair. I’d call it ‘The Coop.’”

Cooper isn’t the only celeb who’s made the headlines due to a questionable at-home haircut. A few weeks prior, Pink drunkenly decided it was a good idea to cut her own hair.

“When I drink, I get really, really brilliant ideas,” the “Just Give Me a Reason” singer said in an Instagram video after the cut. “Last night, I got an idea. ‘I can cut hair. I can totally cut hair. Why have I been paying people this whole time?’

The mom of two then showed off the damage: a super short cut consisting of an unevenly buzzed hairline. Yikes!

Given the constantly evolving nature of COVID-19, Us Weekly wants our readers to have access to the most accurate resources. For the most up-to-date coronavirus information, guidance and support, consult the CDC, WHO and information from local public health officials. If you’re experiencing coronavirus symptoms, call your primary care provider for medical advice.


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