Armie Hammer’s Family Quarantined in Cayman Islands: ‘It Wasn’t Planned’



Going with the flow. Armie Hammer and his wife, Elizabeth Chambers, had to unexpectedly quarantine in the Cayman Islands with their children amid the coronavirus outbreak.

The Bird Bakery owner, 37, opened up about her family’s experience in self-isolation on Thursday, April 16, after sharing a photo of herself venturing out to the grocery store for the second time during the crisis.

Armie Hammer Quarantined With His Family in the Caymen Islands for Nearly a Month: 'It Wasn't Planned'
Elizabeth Chambers on a grocery run amid the coronavirus outbreak. Courtesy of Elizabeth Chambers/Instagram

“Left home yesterday for the first time in almost a month for our second grocery run and the experience was drastically different than before,” Chambers wrote via Instagram. “We’re currently quarantined in Grand Cayman, which wasn’t planned when we left LA 5 weeks ago for nyc for previews of @minutesbway.”

The frequent Food Network personality admitted that she “felt the need to explain” her family’s situation during this “very sensitive time,” as other stars have faced backlash for their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Hammer, 33, and his parents moved to the Cayman Islands when he was 7 years old before moving back to Los Angeles five years later.

“Due to travel restrictions, school closures and the fact that we were planning to be here with our extended family two weeks later for spring break, we made this decision for the health and safety of our family,” Chambers explained. “The point is … the government here seems to be handling this entire situation extremely well.”

After encouraging her followers to stay safe and calm during all the uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus, the Texas native applauded the British territory’s leaders for their guidance amid the health crisis.

Armie Hammer Quarantined With His Family in the Caymen Islands for Nearly a Month: 'It Wasn't Planned'
Elizabeth Chambers and Armie Hammer. Sara De Boer/Startraks

“There are strict curfews, lockdowns and visitation to essential businesses are only allowed on certain days based on the first letter of your last name. And it seems to be working,” Chambers said. “There are no lines or crowding and when I asked the cashier if they have been busy/overwhelmed on the weekends, she said that it’s never very busy and no lines because of the mandates. I’ve received messages from a few people saying that local grocery stores on the east coast have implemented one-way aisles and @birdbakery we’re using tape on the floor as a guideline for social distancing if guests must enter.”

Chambers and the Call Me By Your Name star tied the knot in 2010. Five weeks before describing her family’s new quarantine lifestyle, the culinary expert shared a sweet snapshot of herself with daughter Harper, 5, and son Ford, 3, enjoying their spring break at a local beach.

“Actual footage of me anticipating the delivery of profiteroles,” Chambers teased at the time.

Given the constantly evolving nature of COVID-19, Us Weekly wants our readers to have access to the most accurate resources. For the most up-to-date coronavirus information, guidance, and support, consult the CDC, WHO, and information from local public health officials. If you’re experiencing coronavirus symptoms, call your primary care provider for medical advice.

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